Size of Query Result

  • I am planning on archiving some old data from our Productions DB's.  I have a question - is there anyway one can see how much space of the MDF a query result uses?   That is lets say for example I go - select * from abc where a=123 and this returns 1000000 rows.  I need to know how much space is used by what is returned in the result set.   I don't think there is anyway to know - but just wondering if anyone has any ideas about even estimating it.


  • Make your query a SELECT INTO query and then use sp_spaceused 'tablename' to determine to determine the space used by the result set.

  • Thanks Darrel - already thought of that - unfortunately we are talking of millions of records - so not practical in this situation

  • I agree that this approach does not work with millions of rows, but I have addressed that by doing queries to select 1000, 10,000 and then 100,000 rows.  With these result sets, I can evaluate the linearity of space consumption and extrapolate to a larger universe.  In my experience, this extrapolation is accurate plus or minus 3%.

  • Ok thanks - sounds like a plan

  • Must admit this one made me curious.  Did a little testing in the pubs database.  Try something like this.

    SELECT SUM(DATALENGTH(title_id))  +

           SUM(DATALENGTH(title))     +

           SUM(DATALENGTH(type))      +

           SUM(DATALENGTH(pub_id))    +


    FROM pubs.dbo.titles



    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

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