Slow Query Performance (View)

  • Dont take this the wrong way but from here it is very difficult to judge a persons skill level.

    Are you aware of what an index is and how and why that aids query performance ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • ya.. we can create unique index on StartIP and EndIP.

    But this will not solve my problem.

    I planned to save ID in organization table in CompanyVistedProfile table when visitor visiting to any comapny. But I said earlier, data in organization table will change on regular basis so it wont be the good idea to go with the ID of table.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to fix the data types.

    [startIP] [nvarchar](100) NULL,

    [endIP] [nvarchar](100) NULL,


    [IPAddress] [varchar](20) NULL,


    MaskedIPAddress [bigint]

    These columns need the same data types. Pick one data type and alter the other columns so that the data types match. With them different, there will be implicit conversions and indexes won't be used properly.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • niteen2009 (6/22/2010)

    ya.. we can create unique index on StartIP and EndIP.

    But this will not solve my problem.

    Why not? Have you tested the index and has it not improved performance?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks..

    i am trying with all the changes that u have told me..

    Will update you soon..

    Is there any other way to join between these to tables as that joins incurs much cost.

    and where we can use where condintion ?

    Thank you very much..

  • niteen2009 (6/22/2010)

    Is there any other way to join between these to tables as that joins incurs much cost.

    Joins between properly indexed columns of the same data type are not very expensive.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I changed data type to bigint

    and applied unique index.

    i have attached here new execution plan here.


  • Can you post the actual execution plan please, rather than the estimated plan

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • HI,

    My sql query is still executing so that not able to get actual execution plan.

    It was running from past 15 min. and able to fetch near about 600 rows only.

  • I think the following will give much better performance:

    -- Create an index to speed up lookup by ip

    CREATE INDEX IX1 ON [IPLocationDB_Organization](startIP) INCLUDE(endIP, organization)

    -- Execute reformulated query




    (SELECT organization


    (SELECT TOP 1 endIP, organization

    FROM IPLocationDB_Organization

    WHERE startIP <= MaskedIPAddress

    ORDER BY startIP DESC) dt

    WHERE endIP >= MaskedIPAddress)


    'Not Recognised') AS Organization,



    FROM CompanyVistedProfile

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CompanyBasicInformation

    ON CompanyVistedProfile.CompanyId = CompanyBasicInformation.ID

    The problem with the original join is that the SQL server will have to scan about half the IPLocationDB_Organization table for each row in the CompanyVisitedProfile.

    My new query will use the index to immeditely find the correct row without any scanning.

    If you have 17.000 rows in your IPLocationDB_Organization table, my optimized query can be several thousand times faster.

    Note that it is still very important that MaskedIPAddress, startIP and endIP are the same datatype.


  • Thank you very very much.

  • Hi Experts,

    Following is the query as per my old view .

    SELECT DISTINCT tbl_Visitor.VisitedDate, tbl_Visitor.Organization, tbl_Visitor.ISP, tbl_Visitor.LocationID, tbl_Visitor.CompanyName, tbl_Visitor.IPAddress,

    tbl_Visitor.CompanyId, R.regionName,


    IPLocationDB_Location AS L ON R.regionCode = L.region AND R.countryCode = RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT CompanyVistedProfile.VisitedDate, ISNULL

    ((SELECT organization

    FROM (SELECT TOP (1) endIP, organization

    FROM IPLocationDB_Organization

    WHERE (startIP <= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)

    ORDER BY startIP DESC) AS dtOrg

    WHERE (endIP >= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)), 'Not Recognised') AS Organization, ISNULL

    ((SELECT isp

    FROM (SELECT TOP (1) endIP, isp

    FROM IPLocationDB_ISP

    WHERE (startIP <= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)

    ORDER BY startIP DESC) AS dtIsp

    WHERE (endIP >= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)), '') AS ISP, ISNULL

    ((SELECT locationID

    FROM (SELECT TOP (1) endIP, locationID

    FROM IPLocationDB_IP

    WHERE (startIP <= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)

    ORDER BY startIP DESC) AS dtLoc

    WHERE (endIP >= CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIPAddress)), '') AS LocationID, CompanyBasicInformation.CompanyName,

    CompanyVistedProfile.IPAddress, CompanyVistedProfile.CompanyId

    FROM CompanyVistedProfile LEFT OUTER JOIN

    CompanyBasicInformation ON CompanyVistedProfile.CompanyId = CompanyBasicInformation.ID

    ) AS tbl_Visitor ON L.locationID = tbl_Visitor.LocationID

    Is the query fine?

    I have crated index on IPLocationDB_ISP and IdxIPLocationDB_IP tables

    -- Index on ISP


    -- Index on IPLocationDB_IP

    Create Unique Index IdxIPLocationDB_IP on IPLocationDB_IP (StartIp) include (EndIP)

    -- Script for Old view fron which i was fetching data

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[View_IspDetails]


    Select CompanyVistedProfile.*,













    ,isnull(dbo.IPLocationDB_Organization.Organization,'Not Recognised') as Organization --IPLocationDB_Organization.Organization



    from dbo.CompanyVistedProfile

    left join CompanyBasicInformation on CompanyVistedProfile.companyId=CompanyBasicInformation.Id

    left join dbo.IPLocationDB_IP On


    and dbo.CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIpAddress <=dbo.IPLocationDB_IP.ENDIp

    left join IPLocationDB_Location on IPLocationDB_IP.locationId = IPLocationDB_Location.LocationId

    left join IPLocationDB_Region on IPLocationDB_Location.region =IPLocationDB_Region.regionCode and

    left join dbo.IPLocationDB_Organization On


    and dbo.CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIpAddress <=dbo.IPLocationDB_Organization.ENDIp

    left join dbo.IPLocationDB_ISP On


    and dbo.CompanyVistedProfile.MaskedIpAddress <=dbo.IPLocationDB_ISP.ENDIp

    I have attached some rows from IPLocationDB_ISP, IPLocationDB_IP, IPLocationDB_Location, & IPLocationDB_Region tables.

    Please look into this..

  • Here I have attached actual execution plan


  • Your query looks ok to me. Is there still any problem ?

    Of course you still need to test the code so the result is what you expect.

  • Thank u very much..

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