slowly changing dimension?

  • Hi everyone.

    I've got to figure out whose games scores changed the least over time. I've created DDL to illustrate

    create table gamescores

    (gameNo varchar(20) not null,

    player varchar (20) not null,

    score int not null,

    datePlayed datetime not null,

    memo varchar(20) null,


    insert into gamescores


    ('Game1', 'P1', 50, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P2', 60, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P3', 70, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P1', 50, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P2', 65, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P3', 76, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P1', 50, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P2', 70, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P3', 81, getdate(), NULL)


    as you can see, player 1's scores don't change. I want to write a query to capture in my bigger table, the player with No change to game scores, over a period of any 3 days.

    Can you show me how? Thanks.

    --Quote me

  • polkadot (6/7/2013)

    Hi everyone.

    I've got to figure out whose games scores changed the least over time. I've created DDL to illustrate

    create table gamescores

    (gameNo varchar(20) not null,

    player varchar (20) not null,

    score int not null,

    datePlayed datetime not null,

    memo varchar(20) null,


    insert into gamescores


    ('Game1', 'P1', 50, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P2', 60, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P3', 70, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P1', 50, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P2', 65, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P3', 76, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P1', 50, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P2', 70, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P3', 81, getdate(), NULL)


    as you can see, player 1's scores don't change. I want to write a query to capture in my bigger table, the player with No change to game scores, over a period of any 3 days.

    Can you show me how? Thanks.

    There's probably an easier way but this works:


    SELECT player, max(score) a,min(score) b FROM gamescores

    where gameNo in ('Game1','Game2','Game3')

    group by player


    where tab.a = tab.b

    You basically take highest and lowest scores from each player and then narrow it down in the outer query. If max = min then it hasn't changed. edit: added in the where statement on inner query to limit weeks to those three like you asked.

    Here's another way:

    SELECT player from gamescores

    where gameNo in ('Game1','Game2','Game3')

    group by player

    having max(score) = min(score)!6/887a3/2

  • josh.granville (6/7/2013)

    polkadot (6/7/2013)

    Hi everyone.

    I've got to figure out whose games scores changed the least over time. I've created DDL to illustrate

    create table gamescores

    (gameNo varchar(20) not null,

    player varchar (20) not null,

    score int not null,

    datePlayed datetime not null,

    memo varchar(20) null,


    insert into gamescores


    ('Game1', 'P1', 50, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P2', 60, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P3', 70, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P1', 50, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P2', 65, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P3', 76, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P1', 50, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P2', 70, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P3', 81, getdate(), NULL)


    as you can see, player 1's scores don't change. I want to write a query to capture in my bigger table, the player with No change to game scores, over a period of any 3 days.

    Can you show me how? Thanks.

    There's probably an easier way but this works:


    SELECT player, max(score) a,min(score) b FROM gamescores

    where gameNo in ('Game1','Game2','Game3')

    group by player


    where tab.a = tab.b

    You basically take highest and lowest scores from each player and then narrow it down in the outer query. If max = min then it hasn't changed. edit: added in the where statement on inner query to limit weeks to those three like you asked.

    Here's another way:

    SELECT player from gamescores

    where gameNo in ('Game1','Game2','Game3')

    group by player

    having max(score) = min(score)!6/887a3/2%5B/quote%5D

    An easier way that works for the sample data, but it won't work with a larger number of games.

    SELECT player

    FROM gamescores

    GROUP BY player

    HAVING STDEV( score) = 0

    Do you need something for more than 3 games?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I have a solution that will work with your sample data. I was trying to come up with something that works when there are more than 3 records but this is a tricky one. I will have a go at this tomorrow morning; I think this is close:

    DECLARE @startDate date=(SELECT MIN(datePlayed) FROM #gamescores),

    @endDate date=(SELECT MAX(datePlayed) FROM #gamescores);


    tally(n) AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL))-1 FROM sys.all_columns),

    dates(dt) AS (SELECT DATEADD(D,n,@startDate) FROM tally WHERE n<=DATEDIFF(D,@startDate,@endDate)),

    prep AS

    ( SELECT g.gameNo, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY player ORDER BY score) AS x1,



    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY player ORDER BY datePlayed) AS x2,

    d.dt AS datePlayed --removed memo for now

    FROM dates d

    LEFT JOIN #gamescores g ON dt=CAST(datePlayed AS date))

    SELECT *

    FROM prep

    WHERE x1=1 AND x2>=3;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I have a solution for you that will get the result for a player with 3 consecutive games with the same score.

    drop table #gamescores

    create table #gamescores

    (gameNo varchar(20) not null,

    player varchar (20) not null,

    score int not null,

    datePlayed datetime not null,

    memo varchar(20) null,


    insert into #gamescores


    ('Game0', 'P1', 40, getdate()-3, NULL),

    ('Game0', 'P2', 60, getdate()-3, NULL),

    ('Game0', 'P3', 70, getdate()-3, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P1', 50, getdate()-3, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P2', 60, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game1', 'P3', 70, getdate()-2, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P1', 50, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P2', 60, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game2', 'P3', 76, getdate()-1, NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P1', 50, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P2', 70, getdate(), NULL),

    ('Game3', 'P3', 81, getdate(), NULL);


    SELECT *,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY player ORDER BY datePlayed) rn

    FROM #gamescores)

    SELECT a.player

    FROM CTE a

    JOIN CTE b ON a.rn + 1 = b.rn AND a.player = b.player AND a.score = b.score

    JOIN CTE c ON b.rn + 1 = c.rn AND b.player = c.player AND b.score = c.score

    The next solution will give you the player with at least 3 games with the same score but might not be consecutive.

    This solution IS NOT OPTIMAL for performance, and you should be aware of the problem that triangular joins represent, even if it's not a complete triangular join. More info[/url]

    SELECT a.player

    FROM #gamescores a

    JOIN #gamescores b ON a.score = b.score AND a.gameNo < b.gameNo

    JOIN #gamescores c ON b.score = c.score AND b.gameNo < c.gameNo

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Josh and Luis C's first one were creative/nice but don't capture scenario where only one game is played (in which case min/max are same) and they don't list all the games played for those players whose scores don't change.

    Alan's does. I used it earlier today to solve my problem, though I had to take this on faith:


    Luis I'll take a look at your second. Thanks a lot folks for getting back to me right away. I really used each query. Very great.

    --Quote me

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