Snack Attack

  • Morning: Brown sugar/cinnamon pop tarts warmed up, with a cup of Costa Rica. Yum!

    Afternoons: trail mix or bag of almonds.

    All day: strong green mint tea. Plus: will wake you up and lot of antioxidants. Minus - lots of trips to the men's room.

  • Morning: either brown sugar/cinnamon pop tarts or powdered sugar donuts

    Afternoons: honey wheat pretzels, black currant pastilles, or whatever I may find at home at lunch time to bring back with me for a snack

    And all day, I'm drinking tea - usually a random tea like green tea with toasted brown rice or oolong tea. 

  • James/Sarah,

    If this were an online dating service, I think you two would be a perfect match! 

  • ...yes indeed...I wonder if dating services ask about food preferences...if I was looking for a dream man it would be someone who possibly says.."I cook with wine..sometimes I even add it to food".

    As for Jeff's "I like to chew on the network cable that connects the Websense "server" to the network. Can't get to the link..." - here's the burning question.."Mr.Gray, how many chews does it take to get to the link"..

    ps:darn it - ever since I stopped getting the daily newsletter I am missing so much of the fun stuff..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I don't know if food preferences are included in dating service sites - but I have run across food preferences in some website surveys.  Definitely would help though - could a guy who likes to try new foods really work well with a girl who's a very picky eater?

    Thankfully, my husband and I match well on the food preferences - game for anything for the most part.  I'll try new things, but don't tell me what they are until after I've had a bite.  Sometimes, I'm better off just not knowing what I'm eating.

    This morning's snack: black currant pastilles and regular Lipton tea  

  • Reading this thread is making me hungry.


    Morning Snack: One Slim-Fast drink.

    Afternoon Snack: Two double cheeseburgers with grilled onions.

  • "Two double cheeseburgers with grilled onions" - That's a snack....

    Hopefully the rest of your meals are all the same as your morning snack...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • mmm A blizzard huh?  I usually like popcorn, chocolate and diet coke.  Not necessarily all together but that would be my preference.  I also crave peanut butter.  Basically, I like carbs and protein.  If I don't get my protein, I'm in a sugar frenzy by the end of the day!

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