Snapshot replication question...

  • Greetings,

    I have a business need where I need to make a Sales_Analysis database from a primary database used by the customers.

    The idea is that they can go into the Sales_Analysis db, change and play with values in tables and get the results they want without having to worry about modifying their real data.

    The problem is that after they finish playing with the Sales_Analysis database they will want to re-write over it again with the primary values for the next time they come back.

    Is there any way with a snapshot replication to have it only recreate the altered tables? I'm thinking the answer is NO, but since the database snapshot takes a several minutes to run I need a way to speed up making the Sales_Analysis db useable.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Christopher Klein

    Point Software, Inc.

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  • Hard to beat several minutes. Seriously, your options are to restore from backup, detach/copy/attach (which takes the production db down), or snapshot. What you could do is make the initial copy, then detach and make a another copy - then reattach the original. After that you just need an easy way to drop the orig db, copy the copy back to orig, reattach. Then each night just rebuild your set up. Great for testing when you want to be able to have a solid set of test data.


  • hi there,

    I figured that I would do the backup method. Backing up and restoring a 1.2gb database takes maybe a minute so that is going to be much quicker than snapshot replication. Just need to learn how to do it thru script alone that can be activated thru an ASP page.

    Thanks for the reply,


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