So, you didn’t get the job; maybe it is YOUR fault.

  • There is nothing wrong with career security.  You always need to make sure that brand 'you' is up to meeting the market's needs. But, when tech staff interview other tech staff, they sometimes ask the wrong questions. They often focus on finding questions that will prove that the interviewer is the truly smart person in the room (happens all the time!).  Or, asking questions that they could not work out themselves, and are hoping that you will have the answer (very common) .  But I suspect that one key problem was that you let the interviewer control the discussion.  Work your interview skills so that you control how the discussion will flow. In technology, a truly good interviewer will know that no one person knows all the answers.  They will not ask a specific question about some esoteric tech detail.  They will want to know how you solve a problem. How you approach a problem, etc.  It could be that you dodged a bullet - or you were just an arrogant fool.  Either way, it was a learning experience.

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

  • RandomEvent - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 5:54 AM

    I know what he means about the vegetable soup. I came to the realisation a while back that you can't know it all, when you have 6 different applications all doing effectively the same thing you cannot be an expert in all of them. I don't think any of this gets helped by the recruiters or the companies advertising for people when they advertise 40 different totally unrelated skills and tell everyone they want an expert in them all.

    Totally true! I watch everyday job advertisements where you have to be expert in big different skills (webdesign, frontend, backend, python, R, Hadoop, SQL, .NET, ....) ...And, in addition, you have to had 10 experience years in every skills:)

  • jorge_vicente - Sunday, May 28, 2017 3:55 PM

    Totally true! I watch everyday job advertisements where you have to be expert in big different skills (webdesign, frontend, backend, python, R, Hadoop, SQL, .NET, ....) ...And, in addition, you have to had 10 experience years in every skills:)

    Ha Ha!  I still laugh when I see requirement for ten years of experience in xyz, when the platform has only been in use for a few years.
    I recall back around 2011 when they were looking for Hadoop experts with 10 years experience!

    The more you are prepared, the less you need it.

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