Solais-Sybase/SQL Access from WN over TCP/IP

  • Dear Friends,

    I have small requirement to connect to a Sybase DB.

    I have a SOLARIS-Server which runs a SYBASE DB and stores collected dats in its DB.I am using shell script in that same system in which I am using SQL Queries to get the deired data from the DB.

    I have a IN system connected in the same LAN Network of the SOLARIS Sever.So I want to peform this task from the WIN System by making an interface with the the SYBASE DB.And already a BO/BI Application is running in the same system and interfacing with the same solaris-SERVER.But I would like to have a FREE HAND SQL Interface.

    Any application pls suggest me.And I want to know how to setup he interface.I know the IP + Log in details for SOLARIS and SQL.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Are you going from MS SQL Server to Sybase or vis versa.

    What version of Sybase are you using?

  • Hi Kory,


    I am not well versed to know the version of SYBASE.

    SYBASE-DB is in a SOLARIS Server and I am accessing the system via telnet.

    I am not using MS-SQL.




  • Hi Kory,


    I am not well versed to know the version of SYBASE.

    SYBASE-DB is in a SOLARIS Server and I am accessing the system via telnet.

    I am not using MS-SQL.




  • Are you asking if you can access a Sybase data server on Solaris from a windows platform?

  • Yes I want to access SYBASE-DB from WIN System.





  • First of all, from the UNIX command line isql into the Sybase data server and issue Select @@version, which will let you know the version of Sybase you are running. Then you will need to install the Sybase open client for windows on your windows pc. The version will be either 11 or 12 depending on your data server version. The Sybase 11 open client will work with the version 12 servers, but is not recommended.  Once installed you can use dsedit.exe to enter an alias to the Sybase data server or you can edit the sql.ini directly.  The format will be ip, port just like an alias in the MS SQL Server client network config. This will also look like the entry you would find in the Sybase interfaces file on UNIX, located in the $SYBASE dir.  When that is configured you can then connect to the Sybase data server from windows using isql just like at the UNIX command line. You can also install Sybase Cenrtal, which is a graphical interface like EM.

    c:\isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserveralias

    SYBASE> isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserveralias

    Hopefully this will be helpfull.

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