Something on SLQ I was pondering about


    I have been given a 300 GB Database by client for RCA after it had problem in Insert /Updates etc any DML would never commit.
    The Database stopped working and no update/inserts to any table was the problem.

    even any new Table created behaves in the same manner

    for example 
    I created a simple table with one column and tried to inserta value in it But it never ever completes...and Locks get esclated to DB Exclusive lock and nothing commits actually...
    create table veer


    testcol varchar(50)


    begin tran

    insert into veer values ('sdfs')


    Process ID Lock Type Mode Status Owner Index Resource

    53 FIL U GRANT Sess Veer 1:0:d          

    53 DB S GRANT Sess Veer                

    53 DB NULL GRANT Xact Veer [BULK-OP-LOG]  

    53 IDX X GRANT Xact Veer IDX: 33:19041914

    53 DB NULL GRANT Xact Veer [BULK-OP-DB]   

    I ahve used DBCC CheckDB and it completed with tou Errors.
    SP_Configure has advance levels set to normal ones...
    SP_HelpDb --- no issues
    Service Restarted OPtions -- All done and nothing cam eout
    I am not able to figure out the problem...Please help me making RCA
    Please send me individual help at
  • What version of the server are you running?

    Does anything show up in the error log when this happens?

    What database options are set?

    Can you issue a checkpoint, or does that hang also?


    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • I can easily issue CHECKPOINT and no errors occur


    Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.993 (Intel X86)   Dec  1 2004 10:58:45   Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)


    name                                minimum     maximum     config_value run_value  

    ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

    affinity mask                       -2147483648 2147483647  0            0

    allow updates                       0           1           1            1

    awe enabled                         0           1           1            1

    c2 audit mode                       0           1           0            0

    cost threshold for parallelism      0           32767       5            5

    Cross DB Ownership Chaining         0           1           0            0

    cursor threshold                    -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    default full-text language          0           2147483647  1033         1033

    default language                    0           9999        0            0

    fill factor (%)                     0           100         0            0

    index create memory (KB)            704         2147483647  0            0

    lightweight pooling                 0           1           0            0

    locks                               5000        2147483647  0            0

    max degree of parallelism           0           32          1            1

    max server memory (MB)              4           2147483647  6000         6000

    max text repl size (B)              0           2147483647  65536        65536

    max worker threads                  32          32767       255          255

    media retention                     0           365         0            0

    min memory per query (KB)           512         2147483647  1024         1024

    min server memory (MB)              0           2147483647  0            0

    nested triggers                     0           1           1            1

    network packet size (B)             512         65536       4096         4096

    open objects                        0           2147483647  0            0

    priority boost                      0           1           0            0

    query governor cost limit           0           2147483647  0            0

    query wait (s)                      -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    recovery interval (min)             0           32767       5            5

    remote access                       0           1           1            1

    remote login timeout (s)            0           2147483647  20           20

    remote proc trans                   0           1           0            0

    remote query timeout (s)            0           2147483647  0            0

    scan for startup procs              0           1           1            1

    set working set size                0           1           0            0

    show advanced options               0           1           1            1

    two digit year cutoff               1753        9999        2049         2049

    user connections                    0           32767       0            0

    user options                        0           32767       16448        16448


  • It is a nice case study and thread is Exciting ... Current Issues
    1. Current SP_DBOPTION is showing DB to be Offline and Readonly and changing it still doesnt change it.
    2. Sp_HelpDb shows DB to be online and read//Write both.
    3 Still we cant execute any DML commands...
    Something a subject for PhD.
    We are researching on this issue and comming to know more important things..

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