sort by serialcode

  • i need the output to be sort by serial how can i sort this so after 1.3 , 1.5 shall come and then 1.10.

    i think tally table can be used for this purpose.

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.3','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.10','G' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E'

    SELECT * FROM @Result ORDER BY Serial


  • sayedkhalid99 (1/3/2014)

    ... after 1.3 , 1.5 shall come and then 1.10....

    1.10 usually sorts before 1.3. If this is the case, try casting to decimal:


    If not, split the string on '.' and order by the first part, cast as INT, then the second part, cast as INT.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • thanks chris for your reply . i need a recursive way to deal with serial hierarchy.

    the problem is the serial can be like this.

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.3','G' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.3','E'

    SELECT * FROM @Result ORDER BY serial

  • What's the maximum number of elements you can have in a "serial"? Your sample data shows 3, can it be more? There are two good ways of splitting this into columns, Jeff Moden's delimitedsplit8k and cascading CROSS APPLY. cCA is only good for up to 5 elements.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • yeah jeff as already answered to my similar query in here .

    but i can not reproduce in this example.

    i think 5 element will be enough .

    i tried this from the example didn't worked, because it give same hierarchypath to multiple rows.

    here is what i tried.

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.3','G' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.3','E'

    ;WITH cte



    SELECT *,CAST(CAST(serial AS BINARY(4)) AS VARBINARY(1000)) AS HierarchyPath

    FROM @Result



    cteSplit AS


    SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING(h.HierarchyPath,(t.N*4)-3,4) AS INT) AS NewSerial,

    h.title AS title,h.Serial

    FROM dbo.Tally AS t WITH(NOLOCK)


    WHERE t.N BETWEEN 1 AND DATALENGTH(h.HierarchyPath)/4


    SELECT title,serial,newserial FROM cteSplit ORDER BY newserial


  • DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL


    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '','Extra row' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.3','E'

    SELECT r.*

    FROM @Result r

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = CHARINDEX('.',Serial,0)) p1

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p1.n+1),0)) p2

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p2.n+1),0)) p3

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p3.n+1),0)) p4



    Elem1 = LEFT(Serial, p1.n-1),

    Elem2 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p1.n+1, ISNULL(p2.n-(p1.n+1),8000)),

    Elem3 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p2.n+1, ISNULL(p3.n-(p2.n+1),8000)),

    Elem4 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p3.n+1, ISNULL(p4.n-(p3.n+1),8000)),

    Elem5 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p4.n+1, 8000)

    ) x

    ORDER BY CAST(x.Elem1 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem2 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem3 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem4 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem5 AS INT)

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Here is another method using the PARSENAME function to split the elements when you have 4 or fewer elements.

    -- Parse up to 4 '.' delimited elements and sort by numeric value of element




    Part1 = convert(int,nullif(parsename(a1.y,4),'')),

    Part2 = convert(int,nullif(parsename(a1.y,3),'')),

    Part3 = convert(int,nullif(parsename(a1.y,2),'')),

    Part4 = convert(int,nullif(parsename(a1.y,1),''))





    y =

    case datalength(a.x)-datalength(replace(a.x,'.',''))

    when 0 then a.x+'. . . '

    when 1 then a.x+'. . '

    when 2 then a.x+'. '

    when 3 then a.x

    else null end



    select x = '' union all

    select x = '' union all

    select x = '1.20.3' union all

    select x = '1.20.41' union all

    select x = '1.12' union all

    select x = '1.2' union all

    select x = '1..3' union all

    select x = '1..3.5' union all

    select x = '5' union all

    select x = '1'

    ) a

    ) a1

    order by





    x y Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4

    ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1 1. . . 1 NULL NULL NULL

    1..3 1..3. 1 NULL 3 NULL

    1..3.5 1..3.5 1 NULL 3 5

    1.2 1.2. . 1 2 NULL NULL

    1.12 1.12. . 1 12 NULL NULL

    1.20.3 1.20.3. 1 20 3 NULL

    1.20.41 1.20.41. 1 20 41 NULL

    5 5. . . 5 NULL NULL NULL 10 12 4 44 10 12 14 44

  • thank you very much chris for providing the solution.

  • thanks Michael Valentine Jones for you solution if you could find time please change your solution to example i provided above.

  • sayedkhalid99 (1/3/2014)

    thanks Michael Valentine Jones for you solution if you could find time please change your solution to example i provided above.

    Is there some reason why you can't do that yourself?

  • The following will handle more levels than you can shake a stick at with numbers as large as 99999999. You'll need the DelimitedSplit8K function for this and I've included a link to that article after the code below.

    --===== Build the test data

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.3','G' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.3','E'


    --===== Solve the problem by creating a hierarchical sort path using a very high speed

    -- method for the right alignment of integer data (thanks, Dwaine)


    cteBuildPath AS


    SELECT r.Serial


    ,SortPath =

    (--==== Split the parts of each Serial and reassemble as a hierarchical path

    SELECT RIGHT(split.Item+100000000,8) --Converts each # to a zero filled right aligned number of 8 digits.

    FROM @Result r1

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(Serial,'.') split

    WHERE r1.Serial = r.Serial

    FOR XML PATH('')


    FROM @Result r


    SELECT Serial,Title

    FROM cteBuildPath

    ORDER BY SortPath


    The DelimitedSplit8K function may be found at the following URL...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • thanks jeff for your reply , i will check this

  • ChrisM@Work (1/3/2014)

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL


    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '','Extra row' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.1','E'

    SELECT r.*

    FROM @Result r

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = CHARINDEX('.',Serial,0)) p1

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p1.n+1),0)) p2

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p2.n+1),0)) p3

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT n = NULLIF(CHARINDEX('.',Serial,p3.n+1),0)) p4



    Elem1 = LEFT(Serial, p1.n-1),

    Elem2 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p1.n+1, ISNULL(p2.n-(p1.n+1),8000)),

    Elem3 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p2.n+1, ISNULL(p3.n-(p2.n+1),8000)),

    Elem4 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p3.n+1, ISNULL(p4.n-(p3.n+1),8000)),

    Elem5 = SUBSTRING(Serial, p4.n+1, 8000)

    ) x

    ORDER BY CAST(x.Elem1 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem2 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem3 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem4 AS INT), CAST(x.Elem5 AS INT)

    what change shall i bring in here so that if the serial don't have any decimal point say , it gives error in left function.

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL


    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '','Extra row' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1','E'

  • sayedkhalid99 (1/3/2014)

    what change shall i bring in here so that if the serial don't have any decimal point say , it gives error in left function.

    DECLARE @Result TABLE (Serial nvarchar(10),Title varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT '1.1','a' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.1','b' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.2.2','C' UNION ALL


    SELECT '1.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '','Extra row' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.3','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.11','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2.2','C' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1.5','E' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1','E'

    With absolutely no disrespect intended or implied towards anyones fine work on this thread, my recommendation would be to not do it in any way that has such a small limit on the number of levels because there will be a drop-everything panic if a 6th or 7th level ever shows up. Don't say it won't happen. Make your code bullet proof and scalable and just assume that it will happen when you can least afford it to.

    As a bit of a sidebar, if it were me, I'd stop recaclulating things that won't change over and over again. I'd turn my code into a function and add a persisted computed column that contains the function to the table so that I don't ever have to worry about calculating a sort order on something that's almost perfectly static.

    As a hidden benefit of using the code I posted, you'll also have the DelimitedSplit8K function, which you find dozens of other uses for.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • thanks for your feed back jeff, since i already implemented the first solution provided when i received the code in my project just wanted to change that rather then new code due to shortage of time and deadlines, later on i decided to use your solution and worked perfectly.

    i will take your suggestion on

    Make your code bullet proof and scalable and just assume that it will happen when you can least afford it to.

    And I'd stop recaclulating things that won't change over and over again.

    thanks for your continuous support to community members.

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