sorted_data_reorg, sp_recompile after reindex

  • We have one job on prod server to rebuild the indexes, that job is using the below script.

    dbcc dbreindex(tblname,'',0,sorted_data_reorg)

    sp_recompile tblname

    Here my question is sorted_data_reorg

    sorted_data_reorg, was an option under Sql Server 6.x, It is no longer in SQL Server 2000 we are using 2000 only.

    Here my question is

    1. Why we are using sorted_data_reorg paramer in DBCC DBREINDEX, If I remove this what would be the impact.

    2. sp_recompile tblname Is it really required after reindexing.

    Rajesh Kasturi

  • For Question1:

    No impact will be there

    From 2K-BOL:

    The SORTED_DATA_REORG clause of CREATE INDEX eliminated the sort performed when a clustered index was created. Replaced by the DROP_EXISTING clause of CREATE INDEX. Remove all references to the SORTED_DATA_REORG clause of CREATE INDEX and replace with references to DROP_EXISTING.

    For Question2:

    From 2K-BOL:

    If object is the name of a table or view in sp_recompile, all the stored procedures that reference the table or view will be recompiled the next time they are run.

    HTH 🙂

    -Hope is a heuristic search :smooooth: ~Hemanth
  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply,

    Right now I have statement like this

    dbcc dbreindex(tblname,'',0,sorted_data_reorg)

    If I modify the above statement as

    dbcc dbreindex(tblname,'',0)-- You are saying that the while creating the clustered index automatically it will be sorted.

    I am not using the CREATE INDEX statement, dbcc dbreindex will be dropped the indexes and recreated.

    If I remove the sp_recombile statement will it be any performance impact.

    Rajesh Kasturi

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