Sorting Months By Number (SQL Spackle)

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Sorting Months By Number (SQL Spackle)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Heh... Yowch! I guess I should only expect 3 stars because these types of articles are so very short and written to specific problems that several folks said they'd like to see. Still, it would be nice to hear back from those folks that gave the lower ratings so we can find out what they'd really like to see. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • You could go for casting the month numbers to names in the select rather than in the ORDER BY clause, as it allows you to use MONTH in most places, and DATENAME only once, which feels more natural:

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm, DATEADD(mm, MONTH(SomeDateTime), 0)),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)

    ORDER BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)

  • Hi Jeff,

    I might consider using something like this approach

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Months](

    [MonthName] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [MonthCalendarSequence] [int] NOT NULL,

    [MonthFinancialSequance] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Insert into Months Values ('January',1,10)

    Insert into Months Values ('February',2,11)

    Insert into Months Values ('March',3,12)

    Insert into Months Values ('April',4,1)

    Insert into Months Values ('May',5,2)

    Insert into Months Values ('June',6,3)

    Insert into Months Values ('July',7,4)

    Insert into Months Values ('August',8,5)

    Insert into Months Values ('September',9,6)

    Insert into Months Values ('October',10,7)

    Insert into Months Values ('November',11,8)

    Insert into Months Values ('December',12,9)

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead h inner join months m on m.monthname = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime)

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime)

    order by max(m.monthcalendarsequence)

    Can't really decide what would be best


  • Maybe the low ratings is due to the fact that most programmers and db-developers "know" this solution already: The old "sort numbers stored as text as numbers"... ("1" ,"2"..."10", "11" and NOT "1", "10", "11", "2", "3"...).

    I like the technique, but you should clarify "any year" is not actually any year, it is a valid year within the sql server time span...

  • Jeff Moden (11/15/2010)

    Still, it would be nice to hear back from those folks that gave the lower ratings . . .

    I didn't give a low rating, but found a slip of the pen (it confused me for a moment).

    -- This builds a table with random dates and amounts for 20 years

    -- starting in the year 2000.

    SELECT TOP (1000000)

    SomeDateTime = RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))*7305 + CAST('2005' AS DATETIME),

    The 2000 from the comment is not the same as the CAST('2005' AS DATETIME)

  • Another variaton, using the MONTH function:

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime), MONTH(SomeDateTime)

    ORDER BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)


  • What happens when you're reporting on a period greater than a year?

    Won't both of the overlapping month's figures will be aggregated into a single month aggregate total?

  • How about this:

    select datename(M,convert(varchar,months)+'/01/2010') as days

    from (select 1 as months union

    select 2 as months union

    select 3 as months union

    select 4 as months union

    select 5 as months union

    select 6 as months union

    select 7 as months union

    select 8 as months union

    select 9 as months union

    select 10 as months union

    select 11 as months union

    select 12 as months ) as M

    order by convert(datetime,convert(varchar,months)+'/01/2010')

  • SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),Year(Somedatetime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),Year(Somedatetime)

    ORDER BY CAST(DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime) + ' 1900' AS DATETIME),Year(Somedatetime)

    james.wheeler10 (11/15/2010)

    What happens when you're reporting on a period greater than a year?

    Won't both of the overlapping month's figures will be aggregated into a single month aggregate total?

  • hugo-939487 (11/15/2010)

    Another variaton, using the MONTH function:

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime), MONTH(SomeDateTime)

    ORDER BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)


    This is the best one, I think. Adding MONTH function won't change the grouping as it's the same and it will still use seek. You can also use DATEPART(mm, SomeDate).

  • Ola L Martins-329921 (11/15/2010)

    Maybe the low ratings is due to the fact that most programmers and db-developers "know" this solution already: The old "sort numbers stored as text as numbers"... ("1" ,"2"..."10", "11" and NOT "1", "10", "11", "2", "3"...).

    I like the technique, but you should clarify "any year" is not actually any year, it is a valid year within the sql server time span...

    I agree with you that most programmers and db-developers should already know this. Also as Jeff wrote in his article this is something that when possible should be handled by the application. However this article was requested because it keeps coming up as a question in the forums. Also remember that a lot of the people who visit these forums may not be as advanced as you.

    Jeff, great "Spackle" article. Thanks.

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  • Sweet. I like it. I like the format and I think it's perfect that it was lead out of the gate by Jeff. Nice, direct and to the point solution. Thanks for posting it.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Kristian Ask (11/15/2010)

    hugo-939487 (11/15/2010)

    Another variaton, using the MONTH function:

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime), MONTH(SomeDateTime)

    ORDER BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)


    This is the best one, I think. Adding MONTH function won't change the grouping as it's the same and it will still use seek. You can also use DATEPART(mm, SomeDate).

    it really isn't the best one. when you compare Jeff's ORDER BY clause vs the one above, Jeff's is more efficient.

    I had to test to confirm because I assumed the CAST would cost more, but it doesn't.....

  • Geoff A (11/15/2010)

    Kristian Ask (11/15/2010)

    hugo-939487 (11/15/2010)

    Another variaton, using the MONTH function:

    SELECT [Month] = DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime),

    Amount = SUM(SomeAmount)

    FROM #MyHead

    WHERE SomeDateTime >= '2010' AND SomeDateTime < '2011'

    GROUP BY DATENAME(mm,SomeDateTime), MONTH(SomeDateTime)

    ORDER BY MONTH(SomeDateTime)


    This is the best one, I think. Adding MONTH function won't change the grouping as it's the same and it will still use seek. You can also use DATEPART(mm, SomeDate).

    it really isn't the best one. when you compare Jeff's ORDER BY clause vs the one above, Jeff's is more efficient.

    I had to test to confirm because I assumed the CAST would cost more, but it doesn't.....

    That's really interesting - I assumed ordering by MONTH(SomeDateTime) would have to be more efficient. I still prefer it aesthetically, but it's a useful reminder not to make assumptions.

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