Sorting on Column Headers

  • Is there a way to sort on Column Headers in a regular Table report

  • To Sort Data (from help screens):

    To add sorting to a group in a table

    1. In Layout view, click the table so that column and row handles appear above and next to the table.
    2. Right-click the corner handle of the table, and then click Properties.
    3. On the Groups tab, select the group to edit, and then click Edit.
    4. On the Sorting tab, type or select the expressions by which to sort the data and the sort direction for each expression.

    To add sorting to a table

    1. In Layout view, click the table so that column and row handles appear above and next to the table.
    2. Right-click the corner handle, and then click Properties.
    3. On the Sorting tab, type or select the expressions by which to sort the data and the sort direction for each expression.


    I always try and sort the data in the stored procedures that I call, and return a sorted result set to Reporting Services.

    Hope this helps


  • Thanks Carl...But I want to be able to sort the columns by that Header by clicking on the header after it has been rendered....It would work like the sort feature in an ASP.NET Datagrid

    Any idea on how to do that?

  • Our users required something similar but we couldn't find a way to do it. The solution we used was to present the user with a series of combo boxes with column names in. They could then select which items they wanted to sort on. Not ideal.

  • I see...Not a bad idea....The only way I was thinking of was to make the headers as "jump to" action items and you could be the sort type in the link but then you have to render the report again....maybe not too bad if its a quick report but I would rather not do it that way

  • That's exactly what I ended up doing - I created up arrow and down arrow images and put them next to each column name.  I added Sort Direction and Sort Column parameters and I set the action for the images to jump to the same report with the new parameters.  It works fine for my short report.

    But you're right - seems like there should be a better way.

    Good luck.


  • I was thinking of just making the column headers as links but I love the arrows idea...Thanks

    At least I know that others have tried to find this feature and that it is most likely not available in this version...Hopefully it will be in RS 2005, unless that is what you were using....I am still using the 2000 version

  • Still using 2000 here too...

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