SP is pretending to execute without errors...

  • Hi all,

    I'm using a little VB app to feed some data into a sp. One of the arguments fed into the sp is a large text string. The SP does some processing on the string and inserts/updates various tables. This all works like a charm.

    But not when the text string is over 30 - 35 MB (not sure what the exact treshold is). With this large text string the VB app doesn't get any errors returned from the SP, so one would expect the SP to function properly. However, the SP doesn't do anything.

    I tried with a simplified SP that contained only a single insert into a log table. When feeding it a large text string, it doesn't reach the insert statement, since nothing is inserted into the log table.

    I'm confused here. Obviously something is going wrong before reaching the insert statement, otherwise I would see a log entry. But why am I not seeing this error?

    Does anyone have an idea on how to get hold of the error (or anything else for that matter)?




  • How are you calling that sp??

    What's the sp code?

  • Without seeing the code it's a bit like asking us to describe the painting on the table in a room with the lights off while blindfolded.

    BUT, if you have Query Analyser you can use that to debug the SP which MAY give you a meaningful error.

    I don't think using SQL server internals is appropriate for string manipulation on such a large variable. A different approach required perhaps ? Do it in VB first ?


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • I assume that you are connecting via ADO. Check the ADO errors collection - that will record anything that goes wrong communicating with the server but will not generate an exception in VB.

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