SP set "With Encryption" issues

  • For all my SQL functions (from SQL server 2005--2017), I created them "WITH ENCRYPTION" as the following sample. I have never had any problems with that until this morning when I was preparing to deploy one function after debugging. The function keep looping and it would never return result. When I took away "WITH ENCRYPTION" and rebuilt it, result returned in 1s.
    Can anyone tells what I have missed here? I don't want to deploy my functions without encryption. 

    Thanks in advance.

    CREATE FUNCTION myfuctions (@P1 Char(6))
    RETURNS @BalTable TABLE 
             (col1 varchar(6), col2 varchar(30), etc...)



    This is the first time I encounter

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  • Do you seriously expect us to look at nothing and magically see where your problem is?   Seriously?

  • Hi Steve,
    I feel your frustration on my previous question, I apologize for that. English is my second language and perhaps I didn't describe the question clearly in my post. What I am curiously to find out is why after I added the option "WITH ENCRYPTION" to the fast working script (1 second ) will cause it halted (keep querying for hours). I was trying to point out where the option is added by the sample only, not to seek for help to rectify the script.

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • AhTu_SQL2k+ - Thursday, March 14, 2019 9:08 PM

    Hi Steve,
    I feel your frustration on my previous question, I apologize for that. English is my second language and perhaps I didn't describe the question clearly in my post. What I am curiously to find out is why after I added the option "WITH ENCRYPTION" to the fast working script (1 second ) will cause it halted (keep querying for hours). I was trying to point out where the option is added by the sample only, not to seek for help to rectify the script.

    I'd already validated that your syntax wasn't the problem.   However, with no idea what the function does or the code within, we've got zero chance at helping.   Although there are a couple of things to try.   Force the object to be recompiled by running sp_recompile on it.  Then capture an execution plan when you run it with encryption, and again when you run it without.   Look at the differences.   It might tell you something.   However, without either of those execution plans, we're probably going to be left guessing.

    EDIT:  Be sure to recompile between executions, so you are starting at a known point each time.

  • Thanks,Steve for the head up. I will try your suggestions and find out the issue.

    Together, we can make wonders!
  • My recommendation is to stop using "WITH ENCRYPTION".  It does virtually nothing to protect your code.  Even software packages like RedGate SQL Compare automatically breaks the encryption so the user can view the code to compare between two databases.

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