SP2 Print Problems

  • Wasted most of yesterday trying to get the new print feature in Reporting services to work. Everything from blank pages to the printer just cutting off the page. May be partly due to print driver issues ( fonts are much bigger than they should be) but I reinstalled print drivers and that didn't help. The only thing that consistently worked is printing to pdf.

    How hard is it to disable or hide the print icon in the report manager?


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  • Were the reports already deployed in SP1, if so redeploy reports under SP2 and ensure that the margins and page settings etc are correct/adjusted to fit the page size you require.  Try adjusting margins etc to stop blank pages.


  • No. Brand new. Happened to start a new contract as sp2 came out so I started with a fresh sp2 install.

    I tried adjusting the margins. Learned that right from the beginning when I first started with reporting services.

    Now earlier today I created a new report and printed from the report manager. I didn't get blank pages the printer just cut off the right side and footer of each page. I'm starting to believe that it's my laptop. I uploaded the new report to a remote server and printed from there to the same printer without a problem. I'll try printing some of the other reports from there.



  • A thought but you may have already checked, .....

    As the problem seems to be with your laptop, have you checked your default paper size printer/printing settings.  Is it defaulting to  A4 if that is what you want.  It almost sounds as though it is defaulting to Legal size

  • re: your original post, it looks like RS SP2 can let you disable client side printing --> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/897121/




  • yeah I'm considering it. I've been able to get the print to work okay from the report manager. It's just printing from the report designer stinks. Probably just my laptop.

    Also, compared to pre sp2, it looks like I have to shave about 1/2th inch  or so from the right side of the page to get it all to fit. Pre sp2, I'd set the margins to 0 and work with the entire width of the sheet (8 1/2 or 11). Now I set the margins to 0 and I don't allow columns to go past 10 1/2 or 8 on the grid otherwise the data just gets cut off. Appears there's also a dead zone where data gets cut off. If you exceed the dead zone, the data will bleed over to an extra sheet. Inside the dead zone, the data is lost. 


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