sp_reinitsubscription multiple subscribers

  • we are trying to target the re-initialization of a subscription at certain subscribers at the same time.

    the following has been successful for a single subscriber:

    sp_reinitsubscription @publication = 'my_publication',

    @subscriber = 'subscriber1', @destination_db = 'dest_dbase',

    @invalidate_snapshot = 1

    substituting 'all' works for all the subscribers:

    sp_reinitsubscription @publication = 'my_publication',

    @subscriber = 'all', @destination_db = 'dest_dbase',

    @invalidate_snapshot = 1

    is there a syntax that allows for specifying multiple subscriptions but not all - say defining 10 subscriptions out of 20?

    any help would be appreciated.

  • Hi,

    Depending on your criteria you could do something like:

    DECLARE @SQL Varchar(MAX)

    SELECT @SQL = ''

    --SELECT P.Name PubName, S.SrvName SubScriber, S.Dest_DB

    SELECT @SQL = @SQL +

    'sp_reinitsubscription @publication = '''+P.Name+

    ''', @subscriber = '''+S.SrvName+

    ''', @destination_db = '''+S.Dest_DB+

    ''', @invalidate_snapshot = 1' + CHAR(13)

    FROM [DBO].[sysPublications] P

    INNER JOIN [DBO].[sysArticles] A ON P.PubID = A.PubID

    INNER JOIN [DBO].[sysSubscriptions] S ON A.ArtID = S.ArtID

    WHERE S.SrvName <> ''

    AND S.SrvName NOT IN ('List', 'of', 'subscribers', 'to', 'filter', 'out')

    GROUP BY P.Name, S.SrvName, S.Dest_DB


    --EXEC (@SQL)

    Better yet, create a table of subscriber servers you wish to reinitiate and join to it instead of using IN ('blah', 'blah')

    If more complex requirements are needed, alter the statement to use in a cursor.

    Hope this helps.

    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, read Jeff Moden's suggestions.[/url]

    "Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten." ― Terry Pratchett, Mort

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