sp_repladdcolumn while live?

  • I know this is a dumb question, but I need a sanity check.  We have a procedure here that whenever we add a column (or any other schema change) we must:

    1. stop the merge agents
    2. make the changes
    3. run the snapshot agent
    4. Once the snapshot is done, we can restart the merge agent.

    Isn't this overkill?  In my test setup I can just add columns while the agents are running and they just replicate.   Am I missing something important?


  • I use the following to add a column to transaction replication. 

    sp_repladdcolumn        @source_object = '<table name>',

                @column = '<new column name>',

                     @typetext = '<datatype> <NULL or NOT NULL> <DEFAULT 1>',

                     @publication_to_add = '<publication name>',

                     @force_reinit_subscription = 1

    The typetext is the datatype of the column and whether or not you will allow nulls and finally if you would like to set a default value for your column.  For instance if you add a column the is a bit datatype that does not allow null and has a default value of 1, the syntax would be @typetext = 'bit NOT NULL Default 1'.  You must use the last statement @force_reinit_subcription = 1.  This will force the subscription to be re-created.  After you run the stored procedure, you will need to go to replication monitor for the publication and right click on the snapshot and select start agent.  This will create a snapshot of only the tables (articles) that you have changed.


  • Yes, but if I don't want to force a snapshot, then I can to this on my test instance:

    sp_repladdcolumn 'TableName','ColumnB','int NULL','all',null,0,0

    I see it actually go from my publisher to my subscriber without having to run the majorly resource-intesive snapshot.  But is there a risk with having an out-of-date snapshot like that?

    Thanks for the input.

  • When the snapshot runs it will only create a snapshot of the table with the new column.  It will not create a snapshot of your entire database.

    I am not sure why your test server replicates the new column without reinitializing the snapshot.  I had that happen once but it has never happen again.  I always has to reinitialize the snapshot.  The snapshot should not be resource intensive unless the the table that you are changing has alot of rows. 


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