
  • Below are the results of sp_spaceused in my database.

    DB SIZE Unallcoated Space

    DB01 4350.00 MB 2796.42 MB

    reserved data index_size unused

    208464 KB 185440 KB 19344 KB 3680 KB

    any ways to increase query performance by making any changes here?

    if so, please be very technical in answer.

  • I don't think you can necessarily improve query performance with changes here, but you can probably improve disk space usage.

    Just wondering...how big is your database log? Is it being backed up?

    I may be way wrong here, but it appears your database is using about 1550mb, but only 208mb is allocated to data, suggesting 1300+mb allocated to the log.

    What is returned by:



    - Mark

    - Mark

  • simple recovery model.

    - truncated.

  • It seems to be clear for me.

    Because you have a lot of unallocated space (2796.42 MB) it shows me that you have had a lot of insert/update/delete.

    Your log has grown, after is has been truncated.

    But is you (or the system) truncate(s) the log the physical space wont be freed up.

    What you could do os shrink your files, that's all. Maybe some dbcc dbreindex before. it helps.

    But be aware: if your operation requires a lot of log autogrowing that one can impact your peformance




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