space check

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item space check



  • There is no need to include upper() in the where clause. TSQL is not case sensitive. Since the minumum allowable amount of space may vary between systems it makes more sense to me to have parameters for the allowable space by drive than to hardcode them. The original script was overly generous in declaring space for its variables. One example, since @convertedC is being set to convert(varchar(20),@c) then @convertedC does not need to be any bigger than 20. And @string would never get any near as long as 8000 characters.

    Revised code:

    alter procedure harddisk_check_space

    @MinOkC int = 20,

    @MinOkNotC int = 3



    declare @mytable table (drive varchar(10),sp int)

    declare @C int

    declare @notc int

    insert into @mytable exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

    select @C=sp from @mytable

    where drive='C'

    select @notc=sum(sp) from @mytable

    where drive<>'C'

    set @C=@c/1000

    set @notc=@notc/1000

    if(@c < @MinOkC or @notc < @MinOkNotC)


    declare @string varchar(120)

    declare @convertedC varchar(20)

    declare @convertedNotC varchar(20)

    set @convertedC=convert(varchar(20),@c)

    set @convertedNotC=convert(varchar(20),@notc)

    set @string='there is not enough space left on the server, '+@convertedC+' GB left on C: and '+@convertedNotC+' GB left on the other drives'

    raiserror(@string,16,1) with log

    -- print (@string)



  • ksullivan (3/22/2008)

    There is no need to include upper() in the where clause. TSQL is not case sensitive.

    Not quite true... the default is to setup SQL Server so that it is neither Case nor Accent Sensitive. However, I've seen many servers that have been setup to be Case Sensitive. If you're trying to make code work in any Case Sensitive environment, the use of UPPER or LOWER is prudent.

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  • Maybe it's trivial, but shouldn't the divisor to convert MB to GB be 1024? Otherwise, the free space calculated is more than what is truly available.

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