Space Problems

  • I'm wondering if someone didn't corrupt the file(xls) and change the column types. Have you tried creating a new xls template for importing. Is everyone having problems with import or just certain computers/individuals.


  • To be sure, make SQL update the page (and row) usage counts and see if there are any large discrepancies:

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE ( '<your_db_name>' )

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • jumping in late on this one and sorry if this has been covered already. I read recently about free space in heaps (tables without a clustered index). Apparently SQL never releases the space back from the table to the database during updates and deletes and instead uses an internal pointer system to let SQL know where to find records. here[/url]is a link to Brent Ozar page, have a look at the Captive pages part.

    If you are doing these bulk inserts into the same heaps this could be your reason. I am unsure (as it doesn't mention in the article nor have i tested it myself) on what affect this has on free space statistics fed back from SQL, but it could well be worth a look into if you are using heaps.


  • ScottPletcher (12/26/2014)

    To be sure, make SQL update the page (and row) usage counts and see if there are any large discrepancies:

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE ( '<your_db_name>' )

    I did this, the pages were updated but the size did'nt change.

    Any idea?

  • I will try to backup and restore this db.

    Lets see if this will work.

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