speed up this query?

  • Hi,

    After I failed to get my previous query sorted.. I'm starting again with a new query.


    Ok,.. I have two tbls.. one contains the first "district" part of a postcode,.. the other tbl contains full postcodes.

    I watn to see how many postcodes exist for each district in the UK..so I do a JOIn..


    however to format the full postcode correctly, I am doing a CASE statement on the JOIN statement... I don't think this is the most efficient way of doing things.. how else could this be written?


    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode), 0) AS PCCount, P.Postcode, P.Town, P.County, P.Area, P.Country, P.Master_Account

    FROM         dbo.UkPostcodes P LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers_Trade ON P.Postcode =

    CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                          WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2)

                          WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                          ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4)


    GROUP BY P.Postcode, P.Town, P.County, P.Area, P.Country, P.Master_Account

  • Assumming UkPostcodes.Postcode contains the postcode district and Customers_Trade.Postcode

    contains the full postcode, how about:

    SELECT ISNULL(D.PCCount, 0) AS PCCount

     ,P.* -- or whatever columns you want

    FROM dbo.UkPostcodes P

     LEFT JOIN (

      SELECT P1.Postcode

       ,COUNT(*) AS PCCount

      FROM dbo.UkPostcodes P1

       JOIN dbo.Customers_Trade T1

        ON P1.Postcode = LEFT(T1.Postcode, CHARINDEX(' ', T1.Postcode) - 1)

      GROUP BY P1.Postcode ) D ON P.Postcode = D.Postcode


  • Just to explain to those who aren't familiar with UK postcodes...

    The first part of the postcode can have 2, 3 or 4 characters; the second part always has 3: a single digit followed by two letters.  So a postcode in the Manchester area might be M1 4DB or M12 4DB; one in Leeds might be LS1 4DB or LS12 4DB.  Some districts in London also have an extra letter in the first part, so a postcode in the south-west of the city might be SW1A 4DB or SW2 4DB or SW12 4DB.

    Something that would make your query look neater would be the following.  I don't know whether it would improve the performance: you'd have to test that.  Here it is:

    SELECT ISNULL(COUNT(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode), 0) AS PCCount, P.Postcode, P.Town, P.County, P.Area, P.Country, P.Master_Account

    FROM dbo.UkPostcodes P LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customers_Trade ct

    ON P.Postcode = LEFT(ct.PostCode, LEN(REPLACE(ct.PostCode, ' ', '')) - 3)

    GROUP BY P.Postcode, P.Town, P.County, P.Area, P.Country, P.Master_Account

    If you are able to change the table structure, consider adding a computed column to Customers_Trade that strips off the second part of the postcode.  Then you can join on that.


  • Hi John.

    I am able to alter the tbl structure as required.

    The query I posted at the beginning is actually only have of it.. I also need to have a WHERE clause which works out the last time a customer ordered to see if they should be included in the postcode count.. therefore I think  anything I can do to help the query might be an option..

    So I'm gonna have a play with a new column in the Customers_Trade tbl and see how that affects things.



  • John thanks for taking the time to explain how UK postal codes work;

    I've only being only exposed to US postal codes, which are all numeric but can have preceeding zeros, so it's good to see how to tackle other postal issues.


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