Split a given number in Percentages and round to integer

  • Hi ,I would like to split a given number into 3 numbers based on a percentage(98.6% , 1.2%  and 0.2%) and round it to an integer value and the sum of 3 numbers should equal to the given number

    For example a given number is 300 or 120,

    for the given number 300,  I would split into 3 Numbers bases on percentage  98.6%, 1.2% and 0.2% respectively and rounding to integer gives me   295 , 3 ,0  values but this sum of 3 numbers  is 295+3+0 =298 and is not matching to the given number 300 .Any formula to avoid this kind of issues ? Thanks in advance


  • Can you tell us what you would like the answer to be, for your example of 295, 3, 0?

    One formula which avoids the problem is to calculate any two of the numbers and then subtract the sum of those from the number you started with. Is that accurate enough?


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi Thank you for the response , I am looking for 3 values based on the defined percentages and the sum of 3 numbers should tally at the end to the given number .I am open for all options/suggestions.


  • If you rounded the numbers, it seems like you'd end up with 296, 4, 1:

    SELECT 300*.986, 300*.012, 300*.002 --295.800, 3.600, 0.600

    The first round up seems clearest, so 296.  You'd have to have rules to decide whether the other numbers should be 4, 0 or 3, 1.  I'd say 3, 1 is more accurate, but that may not match your logic.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Are you hoping for some T-SQL, or are the suggestions already provided sufficient?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Steve Dell wrote:

    Hi ,I would like to split a given number into 3 numbers based on a percentage(98.6% , 1.2%  and 0.2%) and round it to an integer value and the sum of 3 numbers should equal to the given number

    For example a given number is 300 or 120,

    for the given number 300,  I would split into 3 Numbers bases on percentage  98.6%, 1.2% and 0.2% respectively and rounding to integer gives me   295 , 3 ,0  values but this sum of 3 numbers  is 295+3+0 =298 and is not matching to the given number 300 .Any formula to avoid this kind of issues ? Thanks in advance

    That doesn't sound like "rounding" to me.  300 * 98.6% = 295.8.  Following the "general" rounding technique, that would round up to 296... not down to 295.

    Same goes for 300 * 1.2% = 3.6, which would round up to 4, not down to 3.

    Then, take the 300 and subtract the 2 previous results (like Phil said) and that would return 300-296-4 = 0 for the 300 * 0.2%.  That's actually quite an error for the last value/smallest value when you compare it to 0.  It should be 1.

    So I'd  reverse the process and start with the smallest percentage and the middle and subtract those two results for the total to get the 3rd value

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  • ;with cte as 
    select N
    from (values (1000),(10001),(100002),(1000003),(1000004),(100000005),(1000000006)) T(N)
    SELECT N,D+(N-(D+E+F)) D,E,F
    from cte
    cross apply(values (0.986 * N , 0.012*N, 0.02 * N )) T1(A,B,C)
    cross apply(values (CONVERT(int,ROUND(A,0)),CONVERT(int,ROUND(B,0)),CONVERT(int,ROUND(C,0)))) T2(D,E,F)

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