Splitting a Dimension

  • Hello,

    I have the following setup a database with three dimension tables and one fact table each table has a ident column and the columns are in hierarchal setup as follows Table 1 top table 2, has own ident column and a fk column to table 1 and table 3 has own ident column and a fk reference to table 2. the fact table is joined to table three on the ident column.

    When I use the create a cube wizard it creates a cube, that although it does work - has a single dimension with all the member show in the one dimension.

    what I am aiming for is that each table be shown by its own dimension.

    When I manually create the dimensions I do get the three dimension that I want - but the cube no longer works and it seems the relationships are not kept

    If there a way to create the dimensions but keep the relationships ?

    Any tips or ideas would be great - thanks

  • Your structure is a little strange. Your fact table must have all the

    primary key of all your dimensions and it must be relationed directly to all the dimensions that you want to visualise

  • Ok Cool , Thanks so I add the primary key and setup a relationship to each dim table ?

    Cool Thanks

  • Hi,

    The thing that you must know that, if you want to get the dimensions

    you must join them to fact table seperatly. But offcourse if you want diffrenet hierarchies(for exemple country, city, town in a dimension state) in a one dimension, you can orginise relations(primary key and foreigne key) between them.

    But in this case you will have a dimension state on which you can make analyses.

    Each dimension, means axe analyse, must be relationed to fact table.

    If you want 3 dimensions as state, client, product. In your fact table it will be state id, client id and product id and your measures.

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