Splitting Comma Delimited String into Columns

  • Hi All,

    I found this piece of code on the internet, which can split the comma delimited string into columns.

    However, it only works which a fix column. If I entered extra data, it didn't work. I don't know much about UDF, can you please help me out?

    create function [dbo].[f_GetEntryDelimiitted]


    @line varchar(4000) ,

    @fldnum int ,

    @delim varchar(25) ,

    @quoted varchar(1) -- Y/N


    returns varchar(400)



    declare @i int ,

    @j-2 int ,

    @delimUsed varchar(25) ,

    @S varchar(4000)

    select @i = 1

    while @fldnum > 0


    select @fldnum = @fldnum - 1

    if substring(@line, @i, 1) = ',' and @Quoted = 'Y'


    select @delimUsed = ',' + @Delim ,

    @i = @i + 1




    select @delimUsed = @Delim


    select @j-2 = charindex(@delimUsed, @line, @i)

    if @j-2 = 0

    select @j-2 = datalength(@line) + 1

    if @fldnum > 0

    select @i = @j-2 +len(@delimused)


    select @S = substring(@line,isnull(@i,1), @j-2 -@i)

    return @S


    /*create table #a (s varchar(1000))

    insert #a select 'John,Smith,IT,2,sql,1,7'

    insert #a select 'Fred,Jones,Assassin,7,Guns,5'

    insert #a select 'Peter,Brown,Politics,23,minister,5'

    insert #a select 'Peter,Brown,Politics,23,minister,5'

    select a.* from


    select Forname = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 1, ',', 'y') ,

    Surname = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 2, ',', 'y') ,

    Profession = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 3, ',', 'Y') ,

    ProfessionExp = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 4, ',', 'Y') ,

    Skill = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 5, ',', 'Y') ,

    SkillExp = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 6, ',', 'Y'),

    SkillExp2 = dbo.f_GetEntryDelimiitted (s, 7, '','N' )

    from #a

    ) a

    I wanted the result look like this

    Forname Surname Profession ProfessionExp Skill SkillExp SkillExp2

    John Smith IT 2 sql 1 7

    Fred Jones Assassin 7 Guns 5

    Peter Brown Politics 23 minister 5

    Peter Brown Politics 23 minister 5

  • See if this will work for you.


    Edit: Sorry, just read that a bit closer, my function might be too hard to adapt.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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