Splitting out Full Name into Last, First, Middle Initial

  • Hello DBAs,

    I am driving the struggle bus here. I've been browsing multiple older threads on splitting out full names here and on Stack Overflow, and it's true that no data source is exactly alike so there is no one size fits all solution for this type of question. I have monthly data from a large insurance carrier that will not budge on adding Last, First, Middle Initial fields instead of using "Member Name" with it all crammed in one field. I have found through various the code that gets me close, but when there isn't a middle initial (which will be common) the query below puts the First name in the Middle Name column.

    Copy/Paste the code below to your SSMS. Anyone willing to assist a newb, I greatly appreciate it. I have cannibalized the query below. Ideally, I'm looking to make this take the parsed out Last, First, and Middle Initial and insert it into their own columns, not just select it.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestNames2](
    [MBR_NM] [varchar](255) NULL,
    [MBR_LastName] [varchar](150) NULL,
    [MBR_FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [MBR_MiddleName] [varchar](1) NULL

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestNames2]
    ('Smith, John H',null,null,null),
    ('Wayne, John',null,null,null),
    ('Kirk, James T',null,null,null),
    ('Picard, Jean L',null,null,null),
    ('Riker, William',null,null,null)

    select * from TestNames2

    CASE WHEN parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ', ', '.'), 4) IS NOT NULL THEN
    parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ', ', '.'), 4) ELSE
    CASE WHEN parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ', ', '.'), 3) IS NOT NULL THEN
    parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ', ', '.'), 3) ELSE
    parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ', ', '.'), 2) end END as MBR_Lastname
    ,CASE WHEN parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ' ', '.'), 3) IS NOT NULL THEN
    parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ' ', '.'), 2) ELSE NULL END as MBR_FirstName
    ,parsename(replace(MBR_NM, ' ', '.'), 1) as MBR_MiddleName
    from TestNames2

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by  usererror. Reason: missed a crucial character in the code

    MSSQL 2019 Standard, Azure Hosted. Techie/Sysadmin by trade; Three years as a "DBA" now.

  • INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestNames2] ( [MBR_NM] ) VALUES
    ('von Richthofen, Manfred')

    RTRIM(LEFT(MBR_NM, comma_location - 1)) AS MBR_LastName,
    LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(MBR_NM, comma_location + 1, LEN(MBR_NM) -
    comma_location - name_has_middle_init * 2))) AS MBR_FirstName,
    CASE WHEN name_has_middle_init = 0 THEN '' ELSE RIGHT(MBR_NM, 1) END AS MBR_MiddleName
    FROM dbo.TestNames2
    SELECT CHARINDEX(',', MBR_NM) AS comma_location,
    CASE WHEN RIGHT(MBR_NM, 2) LIKE ' [A-Z]' THEN CAST(1 AS tinyint) ELSE CAST(0 AS tinyint) END AS name_has_middle_init
    ) AS ca1

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • @scottpletcher,

    Your query worked perfectly and simply adding "Insert Into MyTableName" above it did exactly what I needed it to do. Thank you.

    Now, I can build my SSIS package around the monthly flat file we receive and include this bit of code into one of the SQL Execute steps.

    MSSQL 2019 Standard, Azure Hosted. Techie/Sysadmin by trade; Three years as a "DBA" now.

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