spontaneously dropped db''s

  • Has anyone ever seen SQL 2000 drop (spontaneously) two or three databases?  The *.mdf and *.ldf are still properly positioned in the former paths with last Friday at 10:49 AM as the timestamp.

    I reallize I could potentially attatch these back, but having never seen this before I am more concerned about finding out the cause. 

    (In several years of DBA work I have never seen this and this is my first week on a new job and naturally leary.)

    Open for all theories and suggestions.  And thanks.  (BTW, rebooting the server didn't fix it.)


  • Never seen sql server dropping databases on his own.

    Sure there isn't an (backup)application/job/user doing this?

    Perhaps you can set up profiler to listen for sp_detachdb commands

  • this is definitely a Detach! Drop would have "erased" the files


    * Noel

  • Yes, detached and not dropped.  They were reattached without incident but the question still remains has anyone ever seen something cause a detachment that appeared to be rather spontaneous?



  • Never heard of this happening before myself. Some top-of-the-head ideas:

     - Check the database autoclose setting

     - Check the SQL logs (in EM, under Management / SQL Server Logs). Was the service stopped, perhaps?

     - Check the folder where the SQL Server logs are stored, for "dump" files (produced if SQL crashes). A very long shot, but SQL Server doesn't just drop files.

     - Determine who has access rights sufficient to do this, and ask them if they know anything. (And maybe watch 'em in the future...)



  • long shot ... but ...

    did someone try to run the "copy database" wizard

    It does a detach and should reattatch, but you never know


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  • The logs show nothing.  The closest thing I can come to an answer is probably my fault.  I stopped a backup of Master midstream, then redirected the backup to a different path and ran it again.  My theory is stopping this backup of Master in the middle may have caught it at a point where some of the databases were detached.  The second backup I restored of Master and it turned out that the databases were not present suggesting they had dropped prior.



  • Wasn't aware that DBs got detached when Master was backed up.  This would have played havoc with an application where we did a complete backup of master every hour through out the day.

    The other thing you might consider which I did not see mentioned here is that those Database entries could have been directly deleted from the table:  sysdatabases.

    If this is the case then you probably should be concerned about security.


  • Performing a standard SQL Server database backup (on master or anything else) will not detach databases.

    Going along with what everyone's been saying, barring some very unlikely code implementations you may have security issues. This doesn't mean someone did on puprpose or with malice aforethought--accidents can and do happen. This is why the "principle of least priviliges" is such a good one--if they physically can't do it, they won't do it, on purpose or otherwise.



  • This is not something I wanted to admit.  Being the first week on a new job, I had rather take the blame for something I may have done than suspect foul play or some software issue.

    Logically, rather than emotionally, your points are valid.

    Thanks for the help.


  • check your backup with


    FROM disk=yourbackup-file


    FROM disk=yourbackup-file

    and check the creation dates !

    I guess you have restored an older version of master !

    Check if your db-file does contain more than one backups !?!


    btw : great having to perform restore master in you first week


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  • As it's your first week, I wouldn't focus too much on security issues or (more important) playing the blame game--there's going to be too much about the work environment that you don't know yet. I'd suggest diving into the security issues (tracking down SysAdmins, DBOs, and the like) and filing that information away for future reference.


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