SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 file space used

  • Hello

    I need to get the file space used for each file in the database without using fileproperty(). Is there a table that I can get this from in MSSQL 2000 and MSSQL 2005.:unsure:

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • I think sysfiles should help you out. select * from sysfiles


  • Hello

    I did us it but it only gives the size of the file not the used space.

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • hello, did you see sp_helpfile?


  • Hello

    Yes these figures I can get from sysfiles. My problem is linking the sysindex table to the sysfiles table so that I can work out the amount of unused space in the database per file. To get this from a server localy I use fileproperty() but in this case I can not use it.

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Try this:

    Create TABLE #db_file_information(

    fileid integer

    , theFileGroup integer

    , Total_Extents integer

    , Used_Extents integer

    , db varchar(30)

    , file_Path_name varchar(300))

    -- Get the size of the datafiles

    insert into #db_file_information

    ( fileid

    , theFileGroup

    , Total_Extents

    , Used_Extents

    , db

    , file_Path_name )

    exec sp_MSForEachDB 'Use ?; DBCC showfilestats'

    -- add two columns to the temp table

    alter table #db_file_information add PercentFree as


    alter table #db_file_information add TotalSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add UsedSpace_MB as


    alter table #db_file_information add FreeSpace_MB as


    select * from #db_file_information

    drop table #db_file_information


  • You can also get this information using SMO and the properties DataSpaceUsage and IndexSpaceUsage.

    Not sure if you can use that, since you can't use fileproperty().

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Or this one :-

    USE DatabaseName

    SELECT [name] as PhysicalFileName, SUM(size) / 128.00 AS [Total (Mb)],

    SUM(ISNULL(FILEPROPERTY([name], 'SpaceUsed') / 128.00, 0)) AS [Used (Mb)],

    CASE status & 0x40 WHEN 0x40 THEN 'Log' ELSE 'Data' END AS Usage

    FROM sysfiles

    GROUP BY [name], status & 0x40

  • On SQL 2000 the space used figures are not maintained very well. You should plan to do a DBCC UpdateUsage maybe once per week to re-sync the figures.

    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • Hello

    Thanks for all the replies. At the end of the day I created a SP on the remote servers that populates a table in the remote mater DB with the figures. I executed the SP from the local Server and then read the data from the table in the remote master DB. This is a very dodgy way of doing it but was the only way I could find for SQL 2000.

    Thanks again

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Hi,

    No need to break your head.Already a smart script is there only you need to modify it.

    This script was done by Nikhil:


    This will help you to get the details.

    I will suggest change the script by removing the cursor.




  • Hey OomBoom!

    I am also stuck with the same problem.. "without using fileproperty()". Could you give some idea about getting space used by a database file without going into each db of an instance, like not using sp_msforeachdb.


  • I did not find any other way than DB by DB, file by file. This is what I did. Not the easiest/best way but it works. Hope it helps.

    This is not the full script so to use it you will need to patch the holes.

    set @sql = 'select *



    ''select name from sys.databases'')'

    insert into #tmpDBList

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    declare dblist cursor for select * from #tmpDBList

    open dblist

    fetch next from dblist into @DBname

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @sql = 'select '''+ @InstanceName + ''' InstanceName,'''+ @DBname +''' DBname,GETDATE() CheckDT,*




    select a.FILEID,

    [FILE_SIZE_MB] = convert(decimal(12,2),round(a.size/128.000,2)),

    NAME = left(a.NAME,15),

    FILENAME = left(a.FILENAME,30)

    from ['+@DBname+'].dbo.sysfiles a'')'

    insert into StatCollection.dbo.DBFileSizes

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    fetch next from dblist into @DBname


    drop table #tmpDBList

    close dblist

    deallocate dblist

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

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