SQL 2000 Compatibility Mode on SQL 2008 - TRIGGER problem

  • All,

    I'm trying to create a trigger that can function on a database that is in SQL 2000 compatibility mode due to the application that uses it requiring it.   The application is Visual (version 7), an ERP system written by Infor.  I've created one trigger successfully, but when I do so on the VENDOR_QUOTE table, anyone trying to update a vendor quote via part maintenance is unable to do so, as they get an error that is clearly caused by the trigger, so I've had to disable it.   The error says the ARITHABORT setting is wrong, and I tried re-creating the trigger with that setting turned on ahead of the CREATE TRIGGER statement.   That did not resolve the problem, so that's when I disabled the trigger and gave up for the time being.   Anyone have any guidance on this?   I'm wondering if I just need to figure out what the session settings are for when someone makes such an update by using Profiler to capture them, and then duplicating those settings prior to the CREATE TRIGGER statement?   All thoughts welcome...


  • You can use SET ARITHABORT and other SET statements within the trigger itself.  Those settings will be discarded when the trigger ends, so you can't do any harm to outside code because of changed settings.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Requires compat mode 80? Only supported up to SQL 2008, which is itself is out of support. Time to look for a replacement, I'm afraid!

    As for the actual problem, it has nothing to do with the trigger itself, but something which is used in the trigger, implicitly or explicitly. There are a number of features which requires that the settings QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING and CONACT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL to be on. And under compat level 80, also ARITHABORT. These are the features that I recall on the top of my head.

    • Indexed views
    • Indexed computed columns.
    • Filtered indexes.
    • Spatial indexes.
    • XML methods and type methods.

    Let's say that the table updates a table with a filtered index to raise this error.

    ARITHABORT is more difficult than the other settings, because it is not on by default when you connect from an application. (But to confuse, SSMS sets is ON by default.) You can add SET ARITHABORT ON to the trigger, but it may not help, because the error may be raised when the trigger is compiled the first time. You can avoid this by pushing the offending operation to an inner scope with dynamic SQL, but that have other repercussions, not the least in a trigger, since you cannot access inserted/deleted from your dynamic SQL.

    It will not help to have ARITHABORT ON when you create the trigger, because it is the setting at run-time that matters.

    I thought for a while that the database option ARITHABORT could do it, but my testing indicates that it will not.

    It seems that we should not even talk about changing the application; this can not be controlled by connection strings.

    But don't give up! There is a server-configuration option to pre-set user options, and my testing indicates that it does indeed have effect:

    EXEC sp_configure 'user options', 64


    Before you run the above, check the current value of user options. This is a bit mask, so it if is non-zero, add 64 to the current value.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • You can add SET ARITHABORT ON to the trigger, but it may not help, because the error may be raised when the trigger is compiled the first time.

    I don't understand this.  How could that happen?  A SET within a trigger applies only to that trigger, so if all the SETtings are correctly set as required, how would a compile ( / execution) fail?

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Because at the time the trigger is compiled, ARITHABORT is still ON. The SET command is not a declaration, but an executable statement.

    Here is a demo. The database has to be in compat level 80 for the demo to work. If you don't have SQL 2008 around, just trade ARITHABORT with ANSI_WARNINGS. The effect will be the same.

    CREATE TABLE alpha (a int NOT NULL, b int NULL)

    CREATE TABLE beta (a int NOT NULL)
    INSERT alpha(a, b) VALUES(28, 23)
    INSERT beta(a) VALUES (1)


    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, www.sommarskog.se[/font]

  • Erland,

    Thanks so much for the detailed specification what will require the mode changes.  In my case, it was an INSERT into a table with clustered index, where the table had a computed column.   As I had the freedom to change this new table I had created, I dropped the computed column and just made it a regular column and provided the computation as an expression within the trigger's INSERT.   This should solve the problem.   I'll probably know within a week or so...

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