SQL 2000 Ent Mgr Problems after Yukon INstall

  • This has happened to me twice on 2 different machines and so I know it is related to installing SQL Server 2005 B2.  After the install I am no longer able to get some parts of Ent Mgr for SQL 2000 to work.  Evertime I attempt to access the properties of a DB in ENt Mgr by right-clicking the DB and selecting properties Ent Mgr crashes.  ANyone have any insight on this? 



    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • You are not alone. It happened to me, too.

    I just installed the new SQL 2005 CTP on a Virtual Machine, but I would like to install SQL 2005 it along my SQL 2000.  I am hesitating because of the problem you mentioned.  I may do it and see if the problem is fixed.  Sorry I'm not more help.

  • I'm inclined to believe that it's not just a fluke that we both have the same problem after installing the Beta.  I'm puttinig my money on their being an issue with the install. 


    Does anyon in this forum know if

    A) I should report this to Microsoft?

    B)If yes to A then how do I go about it?




    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 does not play well with SQL Server 2000 and is not recommended to be installed side-by-side. You should however be able to install the latest release, April CTP, side-by-side with SQL Server 2000. Not sure if there are any clauses for that, since it is not supported on x64 (which I am running).

    In any case, if you are still playing around with Beta 2 you should really try to get a hold of April CTP instead as there is a lot that has changed since, and the product is way more stable now.

  • I just installed the April CTP of SQL 2005, but it still has the same problem.  Enterprise Manager 2000 errors out with a "mmc.exe - Application Error" when you right click on a database and click on Properties.  Enterprise Manager cannot recover from this error and you are forced to end the session.  I also remember someone at lunch at last year's PASS conference talking about this error.  I just assumed it was so glaring that it would be fixed by now, but it isn't.

  • I had the problem, but it went away after re-appling SQL 2000 SP4 Beta; I assume I just broke SQL 2005 in some way when I did it.

    Tim S

    Note: Above applies to SQL 2000 Dev Ed. & SQL 2005 Express Ed.

  • Look for SQLDMO.dll in the SQL Server 2000 directory and run regsvr32 on it.



  • Thank you Euan!  You are dead on with that answer.  After re-registring the DLL I am no longer having problems with veiwing the properties of a DB via Ent Mgr 2000.


    Thanks A Lot!


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!

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