SQL 2000 Pull Replication through firewall

  • I have a publication setup on a server in a different dmz, for which I need to create a pull subscription.

    The snapshot is created etc on the publisher, and the pull subscription created fine on the subscriber (the one boxes can see each the other).

    But when I go to run it I get the following error 'The remote server does not exist or has not been designated as a valid Publisher'

    Any ideas anyone




  • Fixed that part, now onto the next.

    I run a profile trace and found that because I had connected to the remote server with its domain suffix the 'exec sp_helpdistpublisher' used that name which the remote server did not know about. Hence I created an alias and that part worked.

    Now the snapshot folder cannot be read...


  • Update.

    Worked round it by setting up the subscriber to read a local snapshot folder, and copied it in from the remote server.

    Not ideal as anytime in need to reinitialise it I will need to do the same, but rather that than opening netbios on the firewall.

    All done and working.


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