SQL 2008 Transactional Replication Issue

  • Hello,

    I was researching on this issue for a while and can't find anything related to this. May be I am missing some basics here. Please help me, if any one out there came across this issue.

    We have a P1 , D1, S1 and S2 in our environment. Starting from Mar 12th (Time change), we are facing this. The replication monitor throws an error:

    "The threshold [latency:The time taken to replicate data from the transactional publisher (committed) to the subscriber (committed) - in seconds] for the publication [......] has been set. Make sure that the logreader and distribution agents are running and can match the latency requirement"

    But, when I see the View Details of S1 and S2, under publisher to distributor tab "No replicated transactions are available." Action Time: 3/17/2011 1:00PM. Same Message in distributor to subscriber tab. Undistributed commands are 0.

    If there are no transactions to transmit from p1 to s1 and s2, why does sql server throw an alert saying u are beyond the latency.


    Jagan K

    Jagan K

  • Reinitialize the subscriptions.

  • I can re-initialize the subscriptions. But, in theory this should not be the case right?

    Another update is that we tried Insert Tocken and that cleared the issue.

    Eventhough the issue is cleared and everythign is in sync. I want to understand conceptually, what went wrong?

    If anybody reading this post can share the gotchas from their experiences that will be a big favor.


    Jagan K

    Jagan K

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