SQL 2012 alias name

  • Hi,

    I have installed a SQL 2012 cluster, I can connect to it using Networkname\InstanceName.

    but I wanted everyone(including application) to connect to it with a alias name, lets say "SQL2012".

    how can I do that?


  • Hi,

    You can do it in a number of ways.

    - Create a help desk ticket towards your Network team and ask "please create a DNS alias named SQL2012 for a server <server name> that has an IP <IP address> . this will be an alias to the server name so you have to provide the instance name anyway unless this is the only instance and SQL browser port 1434 is enabled. I would advise to name the alias appropriately because in your organization this is probably not an only SQL Server 2012. Also you can connect as servername (or DNS alias), port number. Please note that in SQL connection it is a comma after the server name before the prot number.

    - You can create and distribute a client network configuration entry to all client computers Specify your alias in the Server Alias field and the server name\ instance name in the Server Name field. You can specify a specific port or dynamically determin port. To get to client network utility directly type cliconfg in the Satrt - Run.

    You can also type something in the hosts file, but I would recomend that only to people with expert Windows knowledge. Hosts file entry takes precendence over domain DNS entry.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Exactly. Yes, the above link illustrates my second approach in good details.

    The thing is, this alias is created on one computer and needs to be scripted and rolled out to other computers. My first approach, DNS alias is available to all domain users, but it does not include the instance or port.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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