SQL 2012 v SQL 2014 - is it worth going for 2014?

  • We're in the process of investigating the implementation of SQL Server 2012 across our infrastructure, however, as time's gone on regarding pricing etc. SQL 2014 is getting closer for release. Is it worth waiting for that to be released and upgrading from our current environment (SQL 2008) straight to 2014 rather than the proposed 2012?

  • Depends on the features you want I guess.

    If you desperately want Hekaton for your OLTP, I would wait for SQL 2014.

    If you have an environment which is more used for BI, SQL 2012 has almost everything you want (except clustered columnstore indexes perhaps).

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • We're at an embryonic stage with a big BI project really, and are planning on re-working all our internally developed web applications utilising SharePoint (especially SharePoint workflow designer for case management).

  • For the moment, SQL 2014 doesn't have much BI improvements (except for clustered columnstore), but they might announce new features. Who knows?

    SSIS will get some new adaptors (OData and Azure for example), but I'm not sure they are SQL 2014 exclusive.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Griffster (10/22/2013)

    We're at an embryonic stage with a big BI project really, and are planning on re-working all our internally developed web applications utilising SharePoint (especially SharePoint workflow designer for case management).

    Since you say "big BI project" does that mean you are going to be on Enterprise Edition? If so then if you make a true EDW the significant enhancements to column store indexes, more online operations, improved optimizer engine, better partitioning, etc could be worth the wait.

    If you aren't doing Enterprise Edition I don't think I would wait (and incur the non-zero risk of using 2014 soon after release).

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Yes, we will be buying the Enterprise Edition. Looks like it would be worthwhile then so long as it's not too long a wait. If the release will be in Q2 or later in 2014 it may be too far away. We wanted to go for Enterprise Edition mainly for the Always On functionality which is a key driver for getting the procurement through.

  • Griffster (10/22/2013)

    Yes, we will be buying the Enterprise Edition. Looks like it would be worthwhile then so long as it's not too long a wait. If the release will be in Q2 or later in 2014 it may be too far away. We wanted to go for Enterprise Edition mainly for the Always On functionality which is a key driver for getting the procurement through.

    Be careful with AGs and SharePoint. The replay gets a SINGLE THREAD on each end per database and can be a bottleneck. The best you can hope for is 50MB per second and even that is not achievable on many systems. SP and it's huge blobs can be an issue when it comes to mirroring throughput. Be sure to test at scale before you roll out, and don't be disappointed if things don't work as you desire.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru (10/22/2013)

    Griffster (10/22/2013)

    Yes, we will be buying the Enterprise Edition. Looks like it would be worthwhile then so long as it's not too long a wait. If the release will be in Q2 or later in 2014 it may be too far away. We wanted to go for Enterprise Edition mainly for the Always On functionality which is a key driver for getting the procurement through.

    Be careful with AGs and SharePoint. The replay gets a SINGLE THREAD on each end per database and can be a bottleneck. The best you can hope for is 50MB per second and even that is not achievable on many systems. SP and it's huge blobs can be an issue when it comes to mirroring throughput. Be sure to test at scale before you roll out, and don't be disappointed if things don't work as you desire.

    Sorry Kevin, what did you mean by AGs here? Is it something to do with the Always On functionality?

  • Griffster (10/22/2013)

    TheSQLGuru (10/22/2013)

    Griffster (10/22/2013)

    Yes, we will be buying the Enterprise Edition. Looks like it would be worthwhile then so long as it's not too long a wait. If the release will be in Q2 or later in 2014 it may be too far away. We wanted to go for Enterprise Edition mainly for the Always On functionality which is a key driver for getting the procurement through.

    Be careful with AGs and SharePoint. The replay gets a SINGLE THREAD on each end per database and can be a bottleneck. The best you can hope for is 50MB per second and even that is not achievable on many systems. SP and it's huge blobs can be an issue when it comes to mirroring throughput. Be sure to test at scale before you roll out, and don't be disappointed if things don't work as you desire.

    Sorry Kevin, what did you mean by AGs here? Is it something to do with the Always On functionality?

    If I'm not mistaken AG is Availability Group.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Yeah - AG is Availability Group. Stuff with the Always On sphere.

    That you asked that question has me a bit concerned. Implementing ANY form of HA/DR is a complex and risky undertaking. I do hope you will be either getting some proper training or some professional assistance before you embark on your mission. Please do not think you can just slap together a system and expect to truly have HA/DR and an optimal configuration that also matches your various and sundry requirements. I know of some horror stories out there (some of them created by consulting firms that did the very thing I just warned against)!! DAMHIK :blink:

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • As you have not started your build, I would suggest going straight to SQL 2014.

    You will have read about the in-memory and column-store stuff, and they will help BI just as much as OLTP, the only pain is they are Enterprise Edition features. SQL 2014 also has other improvements such as improvements to the query optimiser that everyone benefits from, regardless of use of the other features. IMHO SQL 2014 Enterprise Edition gives enough to make the upgrade almost a no-brainer if you already run Enterprise Edition workloads.

    I do not know when SQL 2014 will be released, but I have read two publicly available things that make me think it will be Q1 2014, maybe even January...

    a) Upgrade to SQL 2014 RTM from SQL 2014 CTP2 is supported - my view is this means there is not a lot of new stuff coming.

    b) SQL 2012 CTP2 expires on 31 March 2014 - my view is that with a CTP3 being very unlikely (due to lack of new features) then the RTM date has to be at least a month before CTP2 expires so that people have time to upgrade to RTM.

    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • TheSQLGuru (10/22/2013)

    Yeah - AG is Availability Group. Stuff with the Always On sphere.

    That you asked that question has me a bit concerned. Implementing ANY form of HA/DR is a complex and risky undertaking. I do hope you will be either getting some proper training or some professional assistance before you embark on your mission. Please do not think you can just slap together a system and expect to truly have HA/DR and an optimal configuration that also matches your various and sundry requirements. I know of some horror stories out there (some of them created by consulting firms that did the very thing I just warned against)!! DAMHIK :blink:

    Oh yes! We're getting consultants in to assist with that side don't you worry. lol 🙂 Thanks for the advice at any rate.

  • At this time, there is no RTM date set for 2014. I would lean more towards 2012 and get the project started. Especially if you have a select agreement and can move up for free. I'd give some consideration to the hardware side, planning for memory expansion, especially given the in memory capabilities of both versions.

    Depending on the timing of release, you could end up developing on 2012, but upgrading and going live on 2014. I'd assume that it will take some time to build backend processes.

    It seems like versions come out more often, with fewer ground breaking features, and better upgrade paths (not as many show stoppers requiring a lot of rework).

  • Any updates to this now that SQL 2014 is released?

    We aren't upgrading widely, but new SCOM 2012 requires SQL 2012, and MS has said it should also support SQL 2014 within 90-120 days of 2014 release (April 2014)

    If one will pay the per-core license anyway (both in 2012 and 2014), why not get the newer software 🙂

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • If you are using Standard Edition there is not much to tempt you.

    The Buffer Pool Extension feature will help performance if you have SSD storage and are memory-constrained, but the 4x memory limit reduces how effective this can be. We use a 10x BPE file on Enterprise Edition which takes about 90% of our Database IO and has been very helpful.

    When you look at Enterprise Edition, there is so much new stuff with in-memory and updatable column-store that for EE users an upgrade is a no-brainer if you want to stick with SQL Server.

    If you are willing to consider AWS Redshift then you get a similar in-memory and column-store experience as SQL EE at a price around that of SE.

    Original author: https://github.com/SQL-FineBuild/Common/wiki/ 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

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