SQL Agent and VB apps

  • We have SQL agent acting as an overall job scheduler. I have 2 issues:

    1) On one job, the VB app runs fine when executed from the command line, but not when executed from the SQL Agent (does not run - no log). Suspecting a permissions issue, I checked the setup. It is set up to use trusted connections, SQL Server is logging in with an administrator account that mapped to the server admistrator group. What else should I check?

    2) Periodically, some Agent jobs that normally complete, fail with out errors. These are jobs that combine TSQL with VB or Crystal Reports jobs. Any ideas where to look?

  • 1) You are probably right on about Permissions, but it is the permissions of the account running the job.  Check the account that SQLServer Agent service is using, and for each job step, check the parameter "Run as user..." (under Advanced).  Those are the accounts that the job runs under, not the account that you log into for SQL server EM or the SQL Server service.

    2) Check for deadlocks?  Often developers don't handle those too well.


  • Sorry for the delay. Got pulled several directions at once. Everything checked OK, but now we'll not know, because the jobs were switched to a 3rd party scheduler and the problem disappeared.

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