SQL Agent problem

  • I am not having much luck with Microsoft help on the following issue. I will put the full txt error. Does any one know this one?

    I get the following error when starting up the SQL Server agent for 1 of 3 instances running on Win2000/SQL2000 Enterprise.

    "Could note start the SQLAgent$NTSBUF service on local computer. The service did not return an error. This could be an internal Windows error or an internal service error. If the problem persists, contact your system adminstrator."

    I am the system administrator. Has anyone dealt with this?

    Thanks for any help.


  • This might be a permissions problem. Check the owner of the service.

    It should have rx permissions on the sqlserver\binn directory and on winnt and winnt\system32

    I also saw this problem when a server suddenly decided it was the year 2042. This was one of the minor results.


  • Any error logged on the Event Viewer?

  • I've had this before and it was because we were having problems with the msdb database. Ours was marked as 'suspect'. Is yours?

  • Could be that the SQL Agent couldn't log into the database (msdb). This is either a standard or trusted connection. Does the SQL Agent error log say anything

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • Thanks for all your help. It ended up being permissions problem with a domain user.



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