SQL Agent skipping job runs?

  • Anything interesting in the Windows event log, or the SQL logs for the time that this happened? Or didn't happen as the cas may be...

    The Redneck DBA

  • Hi,

    We have had a similar issue to this in SQL Server 2008,

    has anyone found out why this would occur?


  • I am experiencing the same issue with SQL Server 2008 R2. The job will execute and you can see it in the history, but the run time is typically less than 10 seconds and the code itself did not execute. Actually, some of the code is executing, but not all of it. Strange as hell. And it is infrequent. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. Here is one of the jobs that is showing this behavior:

    DECLARE @Threads INT = 5

    DECLARE @ReorgThreshold INT = 30

    DECLARE @Rows BIGINT = 10000

    DECLARE @ByPassGetStats BIT = 0

    DECLARE @ByPassDefrag BIT = 0

    DECLARE @DatabaseID INT;

    DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(255);

    DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(255);

    DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(255);

    DECLARE @ThreadCounter INT;


    CREATE TABLE #IndexFrag (

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(255) NULL,

    ObjectID INT,

    IndexID INT,

    PartitionNumber INT,

    FragmentationPerc FLOAT,

    Pages INT,

    Records BIGINT,

    IndexName VARCHAR(255),

    SchemaName VARCHAR(255),

    TableName VARCHAR(255),

    AllowPageLocks INT);

    CREATE TABLE #TableList (

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(255) NULL,

    SchemaName VARCHAR(255) NULL,

    TableName VARCHAR(255) NULL,

    Records BIGINT );

    IF @ByPassGetStats = 0


    --Get the index fragmentation

    DECLARE ReorgIndexCursor01 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT [name], database_id

    FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE [name] NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'tempdb')

    ORDER BY [name];

    OPEN ReorgIndexCursor01;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ReorgIndexCursor01 INTO @DatabaseName, @DatabaseID;



    INSERT INTO #IndexFrag (DatabaseName, ObjectID, IndexID, PartitionNumber, FragmentationPerc, Pages, Records)

    SELECT @DatabaseName,







    FROM master.sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (@DatabaseID, NULL, NULL , NULL, N'SAMPLED') ps

    WHERE ps.index_id > 0

    OPTION (MaxDop 1);

    --Update the table with the schema, table, and index names

    SELECT @SQL = 'USE [' + @DatabaseName + ']

    UPDATE #IndexFrag

    SET IndexName = i.name,

    SchemaName = s.name,

    TableName = o.name,

    AllowPageLocks = i.allow_page_locks

    FROM #IndexFrag ti

    INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON ti.ObjectID = o.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON o.object_id = i.object_id

    WHERE ti.DatabaseName = ' + CHAR(39) + @DatabaseName + CHAR(39) + '

    AND i.index_id = ti.IndexID ';

    EXEC (@SQL);

    FETCH NEXT FROM ReorgIndexCursor01 INTO @DatabaseName, @DatabaseID;


    CLOSE ReorgIndexCursor01;

    DEALLOCATE ReorgIndexCursor01;

    --Update the PNGCORP_IndexList table

    UPDATE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList

    SET FragmentationPerc = f.FragmentationPerc,

    Pages = f.Pages,

    Records = f.Records,

    LastChecked = GETDATE()

    FROM #IndexFrag f

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList il ON il.DatabaseName = f.DatabaseName

    AND il.ObjectID = f.ObjectID

    AND il.IndexID = f.IndexID

    AND il.PartitionNumber = f.PartitionNumber;

    --Insert new indexes into the PNGCORP_IndexList

    INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList (DatabaseName, ObjectID, IndexID, PartitionNumber, FragmentationPerc, Pages, Records, IndexName,

    SchemaName, TableName, AllowPageLocks, LastChecked)

    SELECT DatabaseName, ObjectID, IndexID, PartitionNumber, FragmentationPerc, Pages, Records, IndexName,

    SchemaName, TableName, AllowPageLocks, GETDATE()

    FROM #IndexFrag f


    FROM msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList il

    WHERE il.DatabaseName = f.DatabaseName

    AND il.ObjectID = f.ObjectID

    AND il.IndexID = f.IndexID

    AND il.PartitionNumber = f.PartitionNumber) = 0;


    --Get the tables we need to reindex

    INSERT INTO #TableList (DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, Records)

    SELECT DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, MAX(Records)

    FROM msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList

    WHERE FragmentationPerc >= @ReorgThreshold

    AND Records >= @Rows

    GROUP BY DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName

    ORDER BY MAX(Records) DESC

    --Cycle through the problem indexes and insert them into the PNGCORP_IndexReorg# tables.

    SET @ThreadCounter = 1;

    IF @Threads > 5 SET @Threads = 5;

    TRUNCATE TABLE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg1;

    TRUNCATE TABLE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg2;

    TRUNCATE TABLE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg3;

    TRUNCATE TABLE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg4;

    TRUNCATE TABLE msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg5;

    DECLARE ReorgIndexCursor02 CURSOR FOR

    SELECT DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName

    FROM #TableList

    ORDER BY Records DESC;

    OPEN ReorgIndexCursor02;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ReorgIndexCursor02 INTO @DatabaseName, @SchemaName, @TableName;



    SET @SQL = '

    INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexReorg' + CAST(@ThreadCounter AS VARCHAR(1)) + ' (DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, IndexName, AllowPageLocks)

    SELECT DISTINCT i.DatabaseName, i.SchemaName, i.TableName, i.IndexName, i.AllowPageLocks

    FROM msdb.dbo.PNGCORP_IndexList i

    INNER JOIN #TableList t ON t.DatabaseName = i.DatabaseName

    AND t.SchemaName = i.SchemaName

    AND t.TableName = i.TableName

    WHERE i.DatabaseName = ''' + @DatabaseName + '''

    AND i.SchemaName = ''' + @SchemaName + '''

    AND i.TableName = ''' + @TableName + '''

    AND i.FragmentationPerc >= ' + CAST(@ReorgThreshold AS VARCHAR(25)) + '

    AND i.Records >= ' + CAST(@Rows AS VARCHAR(25)) + '; ';

    EXEC (@SQL);

    SET @ThreadCounter = @ThreadCounter + 1;

    IF @ThreadCounter > @Threads SET @ThreadCounter = 1;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ReorgIndexCursor02 INTO @DatabaseName, @SchemaName, @TableName;


    CLOSE ReorgIndexCursor02;

    DEALLOCATE ReorgIndexCursor02;

    DROP TABLE #TableList;

    DROP TABLE #IndexFrag;

    --Start the index jobs

    IF @ByPassDefrag = 0


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @Job_Name = 'Database Maintenance.IndexReorg1';

    IF @Threads >= 2 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @Job_Name = 'Database Maintenance.IndexReorg2';

    IF @Threads >= 3 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @Job_Name = 'Database Maintenance.IndexReorg3';

    IF @Threads >= 4 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @Job_Name = 'Database Maintenance.IndexReorg4';

    IF @Threads = 5 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @Job_Name = 'Database Maintenance.IndexReorg5';


    What we are doing here is finding all of the indexes with a fragmentation > 30% and putting them into 5 different tables. Then we kick off five other jobs to perform the index maintenance.

    On some days, this jobs executes perfectly. It normally takes about an hour to run (there are some large databases on this server). On other days, it takes less than 10 seconds to execute, the code that updates the index list isn't executed. But what is really strange is the last couple of lines of code are ALWAYS executed and the five "IndexReorg" jobs are kicked off.

    I have the same issue with a db check job. Some days it executes, some days it doesn't. SQL Agent always reports that the job executed successfully, but you could tell by the runtime that nothing was done.



    DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT [name]

    FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE [name] NOT IN ('model', 'tempdb')

    ORDER BY [name]

    OPEN CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor INTO @DatabaseName



    PRINT @DatabaseName + ' ---------------------------------------------------------------'

    SELECT @SQL =' USE [' + @DatabaseName + ']

    DBCC CHECKDB(N' + CHAR(39) + @DatabaseName + CHAR(39) + ')



    EXEC master.dbo.sp_executesql @SQL

    FETCH NEXT FROM CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor INTO @DatabaseName


    CLOSE CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor

    DEALLOCATE CheckDatabaseIntegrityCursor

    I've seen a few posts on various forums where folks have reporting such issues, but nobody has any solution.

    Anyone else see anything like this?


  • It might be more effective to start a new thread in the 2008 forum instead of dig up an old 2005 thread.

  • Back to the original question by OP. We used to experience similar issue a while ago when the jobs were simply skipped. No failures. That happened when the service account was locked out in AD. So you are really will need to check any logins failures around the time when jobs didnt run and check the AD as well.

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