SQL and XML format

  • Dagsê (hi there)

    I am looking for a way to format a clients table into the following XML

    <client client_id="1">





    My table columns are obviously cl_fname etc.

    I did get some help from a previous posting where a new lets-talk-about-south-african-rugby-and-stuff newsgroup was apparently started by asthor and crappy.

    So far I have used Select client_id, cl_fname, cl_lname from clients as client for XML Auto, Elements, but it does not give me the id tag as attribute to the root tag.

    I am sure that FOR XML EXPLICIT might do the trick, but I am not sure how.

    Any help?

    Groetnis (cheers)


  • lol. The rugby lives on...

    You can use AUTO, ELEMENTS.

    What you do need to add is an alias for your table.

    If you want to change the element and or attribute names, alias you columns.


    Select FirstName From Clients ROOT


    This will give you a document starting with ROOT and each element will be called FirstName.

    If you add an alias to the FirstName column, say MyFirstName, the elements will be called MyFirstName.



    FirstName as MyFirstName

    From Client ROOT


    ROOT could also be anything you want.



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Hi Crispin

    I used the following:

    Select client_id, cl_fname, cl_lname FROM clients AS Client for XML AUTO, ELEMENTS

    This gives me:






    This is ok, but i am actually looking for:

    <Client client_id="1">




    How would I have to change the query if at all it is possible



  • The problem you have there is lack of a root node. Not to serious though.

    To get exactly what you want, have a look at EXPLICIT. You can do it with that.

    There is an example in BOL which does that useing Pubs DB. That is what I used and hacked it apart.

    Another solution for you could be using attributes. Not sure if the required document is cast in stone yet.

    Just remove the , Elements and you'll have


    <Client ClientID="1" FirstName="Crispin"/>

    <Client ClientID="2" FirstName="Crispin2"/>


    Is this what you are after.



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • That could work, I will then have to use a lot of XPath expression which is not neccesarily a bad thing.

    If I could however perhaps get something like this:


    <Client client_id="1">





    would it be possible with AUTO, or will I have to EXPLICIT

    This form of XML is mostly what I am going for, but the Explicit from BOL is pretty confusing, but if it the only way, I'll do it


  • Nope, you gonna have to use EXPLICIT.

    It was confusing for me as well. Once the lights get turned on, it became quite easy.

    It's extremely powerfull!

    Have a look at the exqamples in there and try change them to suite. If you get stuck, shout 🙂



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • Hi Eamon

    thanx for the help, but I sort of figured out a way to do it with EXPLICIT.

    Thanx anyway


  • ruan,

    could you please post how and what you did with explicit

    thank you

  • Look at the topic "Using EXPLICIT Mode" in BOL. Even though the syntax is very strange it works very well. Basically you have to know precisely what your XML needs to look like. Then set up each node with a separate statement all joined together with unions on the Tag,Parent combination.

    IE From BOL:

    SELECT 1 as Tag,

    NULL as Parent,

    Customers.CustomerID as [Customer!1!CustomerID],

    NULL as [Order!2!OrderID]

    FROM Customers


    SELECT 2,




    FROM Customers, Orders

    WHERE Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID

    ORDER BY [Customer!1!CustomerID], [Order!2!OrderID]


    I hope this helps!

    Gary Johnson

    Gary Johnson


    Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Hi gljjr

    I understand the basic syntax of how the EXPLICIT mode works, I just want to know if I need to go change my tables to look like a Universal table, or do I need to create a new Universal table



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