SQL Clustering

  • When a SQL Server 2 node cluster is created on Windows 2003 Enterprise servers, does the SQL Cluster account have to be a domain admin?

  • No.

    The cluster account (the account where cluster services is running under) needs to be local admin on both nodes and must have SA rights in the SQL Server instance

    The SQL Server and SQL Agent accounts (the accounts where the SQL Server service and SQL Agent service is running under) needs to have several rights on both nodes. But NOT domain admin, NOT local admin, NOT log on. They do need also SA rights in the SQL Server instance.

    Think about:

    • Logon as service etc. for the SQL Server and SQL Agent accounts (there are more)
    • Remove BUILTIN\Administrators from the login list in the SQL Server instance
    • Add NT Authority\System with SA rights to the login list in the SQL Server instance

    Get some info on clustering SQL Server from Google. Think on best practices etc.

  • yes,You have to sign in on both node as a domain admin.Also services must be start with a domain admin account.The following link may  useful to you


  • Not true! Check the Microsoft website for best practices! (I am administring several clustered SQL Server environments, where I do not accept that. It is not needed, and it is working fine)

    It happens to often that because of: "It doesn't work! Make the accounts domain admins, then it works!" the real solution is not safe anymore.

    With policies you can set the rights needed for each account, the rights needed on machines.

    Never just accept that you need domain admins rights to get things working. Rarely ever needed!

  • Domain admin account is not required.But Local Admin account is must to install the sqlserver,service packs etc...,

  • Thanks for your comment to avoid mistake If u have the experience of working with out domain a/c and working fine.

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