SQL connection via VPN failed

  • I'm having a problem connecting to the sql server on a remote server while utilizing a VPN connection. When I try to it says: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied." The post addressing this at Microsoft says to install the latest service pack for MDAC 2.6 and/or SP2 for SQL Server 2000. Having done this, I'm still having the same problem. Any suggestions?

  • I have a similar situation in my environment that I have not completely resolved yet. But thought I would share some of my findings.

    I noticed that the login fails with "Named Pipes" and works with TCP/IP. Problem being, with my configuration, that I can not set this client to use TCP/IP.

    With the named pipes, our firewall or database server is having difficulty with the evaluating the port number.


    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Can you ping the server over the VPN? If not, try adding an entry to hosts.



  • We had a simillar problem but in our case the remote firewall was not responding. Can you try to telnet on port 1433(or whatever port the remote server is listening) and just double check that the specified port is open or not.

  • I failed to mention that I can do this successfully from my laptop. I believe there is something particular to this machine.

  • On your laptop have you maybe setup a Name to IP address entry in the LMHOST file, HOST file, Client Network Utility, or maybe a WINSServer entry for the network adapter pointed to a server with the proper Name to IP mapping and just have not done so on the other machine? Like was suggested try pinging the name of the SQL Server (to see if resolves and works) and then try pinging the IP address to see if respondes. If doesn't work for Name but does for IP address then your other machine is not able to resolve the name, just setup the Name to TCP/IP address in Client Network Utility and things should work.

  • If ping/telnet works, next you can try

    ODBCping ( if applied).

  • You can specify either hostname or IP address comma port number in Query Analzyer and Enterprise Manager.

    Perhaps it's some type of firewall rule try either:


    or ipaddress,myportnum

  • I used the ip address when registering the remote sql server and it worked fine. Thanks to everyone.

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