SQL database backup from Arcserve2000

  • Hi All,

    I really need some help.My server OS is SBS 4.5 with SP6a,SQL 7.0 with SP4,Arcserve 2000 with SP4,open files agents and sql database agent.I'm able to take backup of all folders except SQL database files,I used to get the error message in arcserve log as "E8602,EC=127".Checked in VDI.log .Later came to know that ,this is database compatibilty problem in SQL7.0.Now 2 questions.

    1)How I can check the database compatibilty in SQL 7.0

    2) If it's set to 65 mode,how I can set that to 70.Will it make any effect on database by doing like that.Because SQL working fine now,except backup from third party S/W.I'm having one SQL backup(from inside SQl),that's working fine.If anybody helping me,will be really appreciable.

  • I am not sure exactly if it is waht you are asking for but look at this (you'll find more on this in BOL):

    Setting a Backward Compatibility Level:

    When running at its default settings, Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 implements SQL-92 behaviors for some Transact-SQL statements whose behaviors differed from the standard in earlier versions of SQL Server. SQL Server 7.0 also enforces reserved keywords that were not keywords in earlier versions of SQL Server. If upgrading existing systems with existing applications, you can use the database compatibility level settings to retain the earlier behaviors if your existing applications depend on those behaviors. This gives you time to upgrade their applications in a planned, orderly fashion. Most applications, however, are not affected by the changes in behavior and work at the version 7.0 compatibility level.

    The compatibility level is specified for each database using the sp_dbcmptlevel system stored procedure. The database compatibility level can be set to 60 (version 6.0 compatibility), 65 (version 6.5 compatibility) and the default of 70 (version 7.0 compatibility). The effects of the compatibility level settings are generally limited to the behaviors of a small number of Transact-SQL statements that also existed in earlier versions of SQL Server. Even when the database compatibility level is set to 60 or 65, applications gain almost all of the benefits of the new performance enhancements of SQL Server 7.0. Applications still benefit from features such as dynamic row-level locking and the improved query processor. For more information, see the discussion of specific behaviors controlled by the different settings in sp_dbcmptlevel.

    An upgrade from an earlier version of SQL Server to version 7.0 sets the compatibility level of existing user-defined databases to the version of SQL Server from which you are upgrading. For example, if your server was a version 6.5 server before you upgraded to SQL Server 7.0, the compatibility level for all your existing user-defined databases is set to 65. This helps existing applications run unchanged after an upgrade.


    Important Do not change the compatibility level setting for the master database. SQL Server 7.0 requires that the compatibility level of the master database always operates at the 7.0 level. If you have added any user-defined objects to master, you must ensure they work correctly at the 7.0 compatibility level.


    Hope it will help you,



  • Hi, there,

    Normally, we only backup the system databases and user databases to tape devices through the ARCserver or other netbackup software. It does not need to back up the SQL database files.

    And it is recommanded to do some research on http://www.ca.com and maybe you could get the answers.

    Good Luck.

  • Thanks for the reply and effert to solve my problem.Actually OS is SBS 4.5,SQL 7.0 came along with that only,It's not upgraded from previous ver.Error message shows "Error at Virtual Device Set. Please check the SQL Server VDI.LOG".E8602,backupagent error EC=127.I checked with this error E8602,EC=127 in google,showing SQL compatiblity problem.But don't know how this happened and how to correct this,without disturbing database files.Not able to take backup of any database files.Master and other created database files also showing same error.It's not a Arcserve problem,I suspect this is a SQL problem only.Can you give some more clue pls.

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