sql datatype convertion error??

  • Table with Values

    CREATE TABLE InitialData


    recno int PRIMARY KEY,

    Dept Varchar(30),

    entry_name Varchar(50),

    entry varchar(500),

    orgID int


    INSERT INTO InitialData Values

    (1, 'Marketing', 'Timesservedstartdate', '8/6/2012 12:00:00 AM', 1234),

    (2, 'Sales', 'Timesservedstartdate', '8/6/2012 12:00:00 AM', 1234),

    (3, 'Development', 'Reporting', 'Somevalue', 1234),

    (4, 'HumanResources', 'Reporting', '1', 1234),

    (5, 'Support', 'Reporting', '1', 1234);

    Trying to test the condition that i developed...i want to compare all the rows with the entry value '1'. Any values other than 1 should be equal to 0 is the condition. NOTE: entry is a varchar column

    IF (SELECT COALESCE((SELECT dI.[entry] FROM dbo.InitialData AS dI WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE dI.Dept = 'Reporting'

    AND dI.entry_name = 'PledgeRequireBatch'

    AND dI.orgID = 1234

    AND dI.[entry] <> 1), 0)) = 1


    Select * from InitialData



    Select TOP 1 * FROM InitialData

    I am getting the else statement result always but that is not what i want

    1 Marketing Timesservedstartdate 8/6/2012 12:00:00 AM 1234


  • becuase it is searching for a not null value. no row returned is being treated as null that sounds reasonable.

    can you check the result of below query? this will answer your question.

    SELECT COALESCE( (select entry from InitialData where 1=2 ),null, null, null, null,null,null,'finally')


  • select isnull((select 1 where 1=2 ),1)

  • Sorry but I dint understand how the solution u provided will answer my question..

    I have no doubt about the coalesce function i used... But the string comparision is my question.. it is supposed to return the first statement after if condition..

    In other words as the condition i used is right, it is supposed to execute the first statement after 'if'

    but it is executing the statemnt after else i.e, it is failing

    So the error is in string conversions for sure as the sysntax there ie perfectly allright..


  • Yes, only else part will execute as the condition is not true. What is confusion? do you think 0=1 is correct?

  • Seraj Alam-256815 (4/18/2013)

    Yes, only else part will execute as the condition is not true. What is confusion? do you think 0=1 is correct?

    My requirement is to

    - Get the value stored in the InitialData.entry column where the Dept is ‘Support’, the entry_name is ‘Reporting’ and the OrgID is equal to 1234.

    o The value of InitialData.entry can be ‘1’, ‘0’, NULL or record not present in my actual table.

    o If the value of InitialData.entry is not equal to ‘1’ then assume ‘0’


  • and assume what if no row qualified?

  • which is NULL and equals to 0


  • prathibha_aviator (4/18/2013)

    Seraj Alam-256815 (4/18/2013)

    Yes, only else part will execute as the condition is not true. What is confusion? do you think 0=1 is correct?

    My requirement is to

    - Get the value stored in the InitialData.entry column where the Dept is ‘Support’, the entry_name is ‘Reporting’ and the OrgID is equal to 1234.

    o The value of InitialData.entry can be ‘1’, ‘0’, NULL or record not present in my actual table.

    o If the value of InitialData.entry is not equal to ‘1’ then assume ‘0’

    Your nested select is asking for a value where dI.Dept = 'Reportin AND dI.entry_name = 'PledgeRequireBatch'; but there is no row that satisfies either of those conditions because PledgeRequireBatch isn't anywhere in the data, and Reporting is an entry_name not a Dept, so the nested select delivers an empty rowset, not a singleton; the empty rowset enclosed in brackets and treated as a value converts to NULL since there's no [entry] value for it to deliver. So the if condition amounts to

    IF (select coalesce(NULL, 0)) = 1

    which simplifies naturally to

    IF 0 = 1

    which certainly is going to take the else branch, not the then branch.


  • sry i gave wrong values in the condition.. pls excuse

    here is the condition now

    IF (SELECT COALESCE((SELECT dI.[entry] FROM dbo.InitialData AS dI WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE dI.Dept = 'Support'

    AND dI.entry_name = 'Reporting'

    AND dI.orgID = 1234

    AND dI.[entry] <> 1), 0)) = 1


    Select * from InitialData



    Select TOP 1 * FROM InitialData


  • Why are you using <>1? If you want the condition to be true it needs to be dI.[Entry]=1. Otherwise it will always result in a null which coalesce converts to 0.

  • Your modified query also does not return any rows, so it will still fire the else part.

    - Rex

  • okay what if we do this

    IF (SELECT COALESCE((SELECT dI.[entry] FROM InitialData AS dI WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE dI.dept= 'Support'

    AND dI.entry_name = 'Reporting'

    AND orgID = 1234) , 0)) = 1


    Select * from InitialData



    Select TOP 1 * FROM InitialData

    still the first statement executes...:(


  • prathibha_aviator (4/18/2013)

    Table with Values


    Trying to test the condition that i developed...i want to compare all the rows with the entry value '1'....

    Am I missing something?

    What's wrong with

    select * from dI where [entry] = 1

  • This is an example i gave u... with created tables and column values...and datatypes exactly replicating my original table at work...but I am missing some string conversions in my program.. so i want to know that..

    Did u notice that my [entry] column is a varchar(500) datatype???

    so while comparing it with numeric values it is not working properly...

    this is where I am stuck


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