SQL DBA Admin Tools

  • I know that this question may seem like heresy, but please bear with me...

    We have an environment with 250 SQL Server instances, 35 Oracle databases on various operating systems, 15 Sybase databases, and an unknown number of MySQL that we are expected to support. Number of DBAs: three.

    I am looking for a tool that we can use to manage this environment in terms of monitoring and alerting. We are currently using homegrown scripts for SQL that write to a repository, homegrown scripts for Oracle that cover each of the databases, and prayer for the other databases. This is obviously very time intensive.

    What tools are being used out there and what are your experiences? We're looking for a single tool to cover our environment.

    I've looked briefly at Embarcadero, but it's too expensive for an environment of our size. I've considered Oracle's Grid Control, but I can't find any impartial reviews for the SQL, Sybase, and MySQL plug-ins. I've heard DB2 has a product, but introducing another flavor into this environment doesn't sound thrilling.

    Any comments?

  • We are using a combination of zabbix, splunk and ssis driven repository. It's not one tool, but perhaps one of them might eliminate a sore spot for you.

    zabbix does hardware and os monitoring for us over linux and windows servers. It has some nice graphs and highly configurable alerting.

    We are fowarding eventlogs with https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/Resources/Documents/UNIX/evtsys/

    and then filtering logs on the syslog server side to get rid of informational messages. Splunk is a web front end to search the logs.

    It's all free, which is nice.

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