SQL Encryption:hiding the Password

  • I have just worked through Michael Coles' article:SQL 2005 Symmetric Encryption

    By Michael Coles, 2007/05/11


    Now I understand how to use Master Keys, Certificates and Symmetric keys to encrypt/decrypt the data in a table.

    I took Michael's suggestion and set up my database in non-"automatic key management" mode.

    This is so that even the sysadmins can't read my encrypted data without the password to the Master Key

    But I am a little confuse as to how to hide the password to the Master Key.

    I tried putting this into a function (without the /** **/)



    OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY TestSymmetricKey



    on compile, I get :


    Msg 443, Level 16, State 14, Procedure EncryptData, Line 22

    Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY' within a function.


    AND on the decrypt function, if I try to pass the Password in (so the user can't just run it), I fail with

    Msg 443, Level 16, State 14, Procedure EncryptData, Line 24

    Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function.

    Now I was using variable for the password because in the Decrypt function and concating to the OPEN MASTER KEY DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = string, then using exec.

    Not using exec causes another error!

    So I like this concept of the MasterKet/Certificate/Symmetric keys as I can back them up and restore them without loss of the encrypted data.

    But How Do I hide the Password for the Master KEY from the sysadmins and everybody else?

    I could use an ASymmetric key, but I can't back it up independant of the data.



  • Hi

    Dont know whthr this will help or not ... what abt putting the open master key statement in a encrypted procedure.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Well I tried that and it did work.

    But I am trying to do the Encryption on a INSERT or UPDATE of a table

    When I put the OPEN MASTER KEY/Encrypt statements in a trigger to encrypt any incoming data and have the decrypt OPEN MASTER KEY/decrypt statements in a Procedure I get a NULL on the decryption.

    So I was trying moving the OPEN MASTER KEY/encryptiondecryption statements into Functions to see if that would work.

    The other downfalls to putting into Procedures are that:

    -I would like to not have this functionality scattered into many SPs

    -I wish to Encrypt on a trigger

    Regards GF

  • what abt this..

    One single encrypted procedure containing the open master key statement.

    In the procedure that inserts the data

    call the master key proc

    do the encryption & insertion

    insertion will call the trigger. keep the trigger if required.

    close the master key.

    again these are things that i have not tried out...

    all the best and keep us posted.

    "Keep Trying"

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