SQL Error 15128

  • Receive the error 15128 because MUST_CHANGE is on. How to get around this. This is a sql acocunt and should not have a password that expires.

  • Remove the Enforce password policy. You can use the GUI to do that.


  • Do you mean the SQL GUI?

  • SSMS SQL Server Management studio. Or you can do it using T-SQL. ALTER LOGIN


  • I tried both ways alter login and then ssms. Both ways gave me the error.

    This is what I did to get around the issue.

    I logged in to SSMS using the sql account. When prompted to change the password I did. The sql account had sysadmin role. I opened up the sql account login and unchecked the 2 options for password expiration and the other option and it worked without error.

    with all that said, I am wondering if it has something to do with the security of the user who logged that defined the sql account. That login should have been able to make that change.

  • The interface has to be aware of the password change ability. So if you're using an older client (not SQL Server Native Client), they'll get the error that says they can't login, but they won't be able to do so because that interface won't present the change password prompt.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • What you also can do:

    - In MSSMS

    - Activate the user property

    - change to a temporary password then save and close

    - activate again and then disable Enforce Password

    - than save with the original password


  • HI Thank you so much this this worked for me ...:-)

  • Thanks Patti - you saved what is left of my sanity.

  • //** Use this query and you will all set**//txtPost_CommentEmoticon(':-)');

    USE Master


    ALTER LOGIN SQL_Account WITH PASSWORD = ‘currentpassword(SamePassword)’





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