SQL Express Tools

  • Hi, sorry for the fairly basic question but I want to download SQL Express Tools, but just want the SSMS Tool, not Full Express and I'm having difficulty finding it. I already have a number of live production Express installations on various servers and just want to add the SSMS tool, therefore re-installing Express is not an option, i just want the tool! Thanks

  • http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/editions/2012-editions/express.aspx

    go to this page, and click on the red button that says "Download SQL Server 2012 Express"

    a div will appear with various downloads, so just click the one that says "SQL Server Management Studio (Tools only)"


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  • Thanks for that Lowell, looks like just what I was after!

    However when I go to onstall it immediately errors at 0% with no info. I'll chat to our Windows server guys about it.


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