SQL full text web search

  • Hi All

    I’m trying to write a SQL statement for a web search engine, it should do the following:

    Break down the search string into individual words (for example: “500 MHz microprocessor USB”) and do a Full Text Search on a catalogue for each individual word and sort it by the rank.

    I’m assuming it should also take into consideration reserved words and signs.

    Any ideas where to start or if you can help with the SQL statement itself it would be very very very helpful.

    Also if someone know already of a product or a better way to build a search engine for a web site, I would love to hear about it.

    Thank you very much everyone.


    This site rules.

    Oren Levy

  • Create Full Text Indexes on your catalog and use the FREETEXT predicate in your select statements. You can also look into FREETEXTTABLE for returning resultsets by rank.

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Thanks a million Ronald.
    Works like a charm
  • You might check out stuff from Scott Cate here:


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