SQL Function

  • I have a table set up where every part in an assembly that has sub-parts is set up in a table with a parent_id column and a part_id column. If a part exists in a table I need to recursively look up the part to find all sub parts, sub-sub parts, sub-sub-sub parts, etc. to build a Bill of Materials. I have VB front end but was trying to minimize the round trips to the database. Any suggestions?

  • You could use recursion,but it be very dangerous and I do not recommend it. I've easily screwup up a desktop with recursion and I'd hate to whack my db server with a mistake.

    I have done this with a table where I loop through and insert values into the table as I find them. Then select the results from this table. Make either a perm or temp table.

    Steve Jones


  • We've come across this problem some time ago and the solution offered was developing two tables. Let's call it Table1 and Table2.

    Table1 contains all objects (with their properties) including two essential fields(identifier and parent identifier). Table2 contains all descendant objects for every object in Table1. Surely we had to write stored procedures to create, update or delete new object but the operation of retrieving of child objects got much easier.

    Please, e-mail me if you'tr confronted with troubles.

  • here's a simple recursion that lists all the parts which are descendents to a part_id



    Colid int identity,

    Part_id int,

    Part_no varchar(10),

    Parent_id int


    DECLARE @Colid int

    DECLARE @PartId int

    SET @Partid = 1--Parameter passed

    SET @Colid = 1

    INSERT INTO @Parts

    SELECT Part_id,Part_no,@Partid

    FROM Parts

    WHERE Part_id = @Partid

    WHILE 0 = 0


    SELECT @Partid = Part_Id

    FROM @Parts

    WHERE Colid = @Colid

    INSERT INTO @Parts

    SELECT Part_id,Part_no,@Partid

    FROM Parts

    WHERE Parent_id = @Partid

    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @Parts) = @Colid




    SET @Colid = @Colid + 1


    you can extend this by adding a index to denote which level does the part fall under

    Hope this helps

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