SQL Help Needed

  • Dear All,

    I have a one-time conversion problem that I would like

    your advice on.

    I have a table which holds has four columns, ID, RoleID,

    OwnerID, and RoleType, all are ints except for RoleType

    which is a char(30)

    The Data within this table is set as follows

    ID RoleID OwnerID RoleType

    1 20 32 LIFE

    2 20 33 LIFE

    3 21 32 LIFE

    4 22 42 LIFE

    5 22 43 LIFE.

    Here is what I want to do. Looking at the RoleID I would

    like to change the RoleType to FirstLife for the first

    occurrence of the same RoleID, and SecondLife for the

    second occurrence, there will only be a maxiumum of two

    occurences, so the data will be changed as follows:-

    ID RoleID OwnerID RoleType

    1 20 32 FirstLife

    2 20 33 SecondLife

    3 21 32 FirstLife

    4 22 42 FirstLife

    5 22 43 SecondLife

    Can anyone help me with the SQL for this ?



  • JulieW,

    Heres an idea, it's a bit ugly but should work - though you need 2 queries. Hopefully someone else has a suggestion because I'd like to know a nice way to do it as well.

    update @tablename

    set roletype = 'SecondLife'

    where id in

    ( select max(id) as id from @tablename

    where roleid in


    select roleid from (select count(1) x , roleid from @tablename group by roleid) z where x > 1


    group by roleid



    update @tablename

    set roletype = 'FirstLife'

    where roletype <> 'SecondLife'



  • Thanks Michael,

    I will give it a try


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