SQL Injection Everywhere

  • CirquedeSQLeil (4/15/2011)

    Jeff Moden (4/10/2011)

    How about spending more time and dollars on really cool stuff like designing a 350HP engine that gets 50MPG without batteries? You see that kind of stuff on the news all the time. How come no one has put that type of technology in common vehicles instead of screwing around with {gasp!} computer controlled windshield wipers.

    If they actually did put more effort into improving fuel efficiency of a 350HP engine, I could appreciate that. But cup-holders seem to matter more than fuel economy.

    Ha, you have kids. Cup holders definitely matter.

    A great quote in yesterday's editorial. Great minds working on getting people to click more ads, or even play stocks instead of solving really important, wide reaching problems.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/19/2011)

    CirquedeSQLeil (4/15/2011)

    Jeff Moden (4/10/2011)

    How about spending more time and dollars on really cool stuff like designing a 350HP engine that gets 50MPG without batteries? You see that kind of stuff on the news all the time. How come no one has put that type of technology in common vehicles instead of screwing around with {gasp!} computer controlled windshield wipers.

    If they actually did put more effort into improving fuel efficiency of a 350HP engine, I could appreciate that. But cup-holders seem to matter more than fuel economy.

    Ha, you have kids. Cup holders definitely matter.

    A great quote in yesterday's editorial. Great minds working on getting people to click more ads, or even play stocks instead of solving really important, wide reaching problems.

    OK - but who gets to decide what is really important? I feel it is critical to reduce government intervention so the private sector can start producing jobs for people, to bring us out of this horrible economic climate. I am pretty sure a large number of people disagree with me. Which is right? Isn't ad revenue important to corporate entities? Certainly not to me, I hate ads, but again there are lots who would disagree with me.


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