• Hi All

    I need help, i have a job i created for test purposes using database mail, so i had to change few things on the job then i disabled the job including the scheduling but i still get alerts even if i have deleted the job, why that?

    Please help


    It's better to fail while trying, rather than fail without trying!!!

  • 1. Where did you setup the Alert?

    2. What version suppose 2005

    3. Check - select * from sysalerts in msdb

    4. Is it perhaps logshipping

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Tx, it's a sql script that execute a database mail command if the condition is not met, then sends me an email scheduled as a job but now the job is deleted but i dont understand why i'm still getting mail. i've restarted sqlagent but still the same.

    It's better to fail while trying, rather than fail without trying!!!

  • Try this script and see if the job is still in the table:

    select * from sysjobs

    What kind off condition are you looking at. Here I am thinking that there could be another alert setup in side a Job.

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Pls see below script but was scheduled as a job to run every hour

    DECLARE @CallPresentIndicator Bit -- bit data type is to indicate true or false. 0 is "False" and 1 is "True"





    SET @CallPresentIndicator = 1 -- this means TRUE




    -- Create the body of the email

    IF @CallPresentIndicator = 1


    DECLARE @body1 nvarchar(2000)

    SET @body1 =




    <body style="background: #ffffff; color: #003399">

    <table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" width="500">


    <td align="center" colspan="2" style="font-size:24"><b>GIS</b></td>



    <td align="center" colspan="2" style="font-size:16;color:LIME"><b>Automated Database Mail Alert</b></td>



    <td align="left">DATE:</td>

    <td align="center">' + convert(char(19),getdate(),20) + '</td>



    <td align="left">SERVER:</td>

    <td align="center">' +@@SERVERNAME+ '</td>



    <td align="left">SEVERITY:</td>

    <td align="center" style="color:RED"><b>WARNING!</b></td>



    <td align="left">SUBSYSTEM:</td>

    <td align="center">Database Update</td>



    <td align="left">DESCRIPTION:</td>

    <td align="center">

    Please check your Application






    -- Concatenate subject

    DECLARE @subj nvarchar(50)

    SET @subj = @@SERVERNAME + N': Check DB'

    -- send the email

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='email',

    @subject = @subj,

    @body = @body1,

    @body_format = 'HTML',

    @profile_name = 'DBA Admin Profile'


    It's better to fail while trying, rather than fail without trying!!!

  • Hi

    The next step is to check the sysprocess table. Look for something like "SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep............"

    "select * from sysprocesses where spid > 50"

    dbcc inputbuffer(spid) - to see code that is running in the process.

    If you find the code then you can kill that process.

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Sorry here is the full select

    use master

    select * from sysprocesses where spid > 50 and program_name like 'SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep%'

    Do not reinvent the wheel.

  • Tx 4 yr help i'm sorted

    It's better to fail while trying, rather than fail without trying!!!

  • smthembu (4/20/2010)

    Tx 4 yr help i'm sorted

    If you solved your problem, it would be nice if you posted what you did. Someone else may have a similar problem and knowing what someone else did could be helpful.

  • I used tvantonder-992012 suggestions as posted, also checked the msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity table and i could see the job also joined the sysjob table to get the full desc of the job id's.

    It's better to fail while trying, rather than fail without trying!!!

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